cold cold day!

Here is picture of Dadzoo’s car
(I am standing in the garadge shivering)
it is about 20 degrees outside
poor, poor frozen car

The blower broke in the car, so the heater doesn’t work
my poor guy has been driving to and from work
(an hour each way)
in the bitter cold
So he bought the part and decided to replace it himself
See his feet sticking out.
Now, why is he out in the freezing cold weather, why is he not in a warmer garadge? you ask

this is what our garadge looks like
a tad messy

oh, here comes my frozen boy
(doesn’t look so happy, does he)

That man is in the zone!

haha, can’t you just read his mind
“put away the stupid camera, can’t you see I am frozen, annoyed, and irritated…

and I can’t find my tool!”

(another lovely view of out tidy garadge)

Smile Baby!!!!

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