So I have been addicted to Coca Cola since I was about 15 years old. The amounts of beautiful fizzy chocolate colored liquid I consume daily has varied, depending on my will power, pregnancy, craziness of my life, and the need to stay awake. I love the stuff. I mean really, really love the stuff! The sound of the can opening makes my heart go pitter patter, the sound of the bottle opening makes my whole body relax, seriously! I love the sound of ice in a big fountain drink on a long road trip. I love the stuff. It is sweet nectar to me, my drug, and my sanity! So I decided a few weeks ago that I needed to be healthier. I want to eat better, take better care of my little (well, little…ha-ha….ample) body. I want to lose weight; I need to figure out why I insist on lots of fattening foods (that is another post). Part of my “getting healthy” I decided to give up my coke. I did it. For three weeks I dran
k nothing but water and water. I was sleeping better (I suffer major insomnia) I wasn’t retaining as much water, and I think I was better hydrated. Well on Christmas, my PIC needed a drink for the drive home, so I bought two cokes, it was Christmas after all. I didn’t have any that night, although the day after I sipped on it all day. Boy, was I on fire! The house got picked up, cleaned up, kids were washed, dressed and fed at a decent hour…I was awesome. I didn’t sleep a wink that night. As everybody who reads my blog knows the next day was terrible, I was tired, irritable, unmotivated and depressed. I didn’t think it had anything to do with my “coke treat” the day before, until last night. I was up late yesterday at my mom’s helping her get ready for an event, on the way home I ended up sipping PIC’s coke the whole hour drive. I was wide awake at 3:30 this morning!! This morning I feel sluggish, bloated and tired. Hmmmm…..Maybe not filling my body with stimulates is a good thing, not to mention all the artificial colors, flavors, sugars and salts. Maybe this will be the beginning of an amazing journey.

Good luck! We gave up soda a few years ago and it really does help. The giving it up part is the hard thing. Let me know when you need moral support. lol
DON’T DO IT!! JK So I have an addiction too. Okay, several. But caffeine is the biggie. Perhaps I shall live vicariously through your resolutions.
LOL, I should be fine, I have done it a meeelion times!!!
I was just about ready to stand up and go get me a coke. And maybe even buy and extra to bring home to moomzoo. But after reading this post, I am still going to get up and get a drink, but think I will fill my water bottle instead.
Hey, I behind your no coke quest all the way. I guess that is what little bro’s are for huh. Well, if you ever need any moral support or a bottle of water you give me a call.
good girl! You can do it!! Loves