Then our Stake President broke it up a little bit more for me. He set a goal for the stake. He wanted us all to have 2 weeks of living expenses saved and three months of food. I can do that. I thought to myself “how easy would it be to store three months worth of breakfast?” I started to look around. I started to ask friends questions. A good friend of my directed me to a web site that is all about simple living and cooking. There are a ton of recipes that are simple and the ingredients can be stored easily. I stared to buy extra oatmeal. I stared to make homemade granola, it is cheaper than commercial cereal and there are no preservatives, or dyes or chemical additives and I can modify the recipe to what my family likes. I looked into buying pancake mixes and soon discovered that not only do they no keep very long, it is also much cheaper to just make it from scratch, and it really only takes about 5 minutes longer than adding water to a mix. In no time and very little money later I have my three months supply, and even better, I was using it, and rotating it! My kids liked the homemade pancakes and I learned how to modify the recipes to make them lower in fat, higher in fiber and to suit the tastes of my family.
The whole getting up and cooking my children a hot breakfast instead of them fending for themselves with cold sugary cereal gave rise to a new family routine that I have come to love. My husband was going through a really bad spot in life. He was an angry man, unhappy with his work; people that he thought were good friends were turning out to be terrible people who only used him. There was very little I could do to help him. He worked long, long hours and most weekends with very little time off. I tired to be supportive, but it was wearing on me and the kids. Our home was not a happy place. I was talking to a neighbor about all this, she had had a similar experience with her husband and I needed some insight. She mentioned that she got up every morning with her husband and they ate breakfast together, and that it had seemed to help a little. So I decided that I was going to do that. We were going to have breakfast together as a family. Now, I am not a morning person, this was going to be a huge sacrifice. However I was committed. So we did just that, I wake up when he does and while he is showering, I get the kids up and the school girls dressed, make breakfast and pack him a lunch (something I never have really ever done). He reads scriptures out loud for a minute and we all start the day, together, as a family. Now I don’t know if that really changed anything for him, there were some other things we did, and some changes that were made that I will talk about another time, but it sure brought our family closer. I really think that by me obeying, and learning to cook better for my family brought more blessings to us than just having the food for a time of need. If I hadn’t already been thinking along those lines and already working towards feeding my family a good breakfast would I have been open to the idea of getting up an hour earlier to prepare breakfast? I honestly don’t think I would have.
Anyway, I am going to start bloging about my journey into food storage, using it, and getting back to basic whole foods. All the while trying to do it frugally. I hope you don’t mind trying and testing recipes with me and if it really bores you, just ignore my ramblings on the subject!!!!
There really is something so satisfying about having healthy food stored up and being able to use it. It’s a good feeling. We plan to use our tax returns for things like that this year. I’m really looking forward to that!
Katie (aka suburbanzoo) I owe all I have learned in the past 9 months to you, at the very least you pointed me in the right direction.
You know that I love the food and storage blogs. I would love to know how you make your granola, that’s one we don’t do yet.I’ll give you my split pea soup if you give me your granola! We have our year of wheat, flour and beans, but nothing else, 3 months here and there. We are planning on getting the rest with our tax return.
*blushing* You give me too much credit! You know, I am so much still in the baby steps phaze of it all. There is so much more I want to do and I want to do so much better! I love that you are so dedicated. And I love that I have such amazing friends like you who help me head in the right direction. Thanks for being such a great example! 😉
Okay, let me just say that this is the kind of stuff that I really love about your blog. I don’t even know you, and yet I am drawn to your blog because you say things like, “I dream about the days when it was not just good, but admired and praised when a woman took care of her family. When there was pride in a home well kept, food well prepared and children well brought up.”
The world we live in is a scary one. I look around and see so much corruption in the world. I love my kids and want so much more for them and it is obvious that you feel the same way. I truly believe that the home is where we can lessen these problems in the world and provide protection for our own families.
If we go back to the basics with our priorities in relationships, food, faith, etc., our lives, the lives of our families and those we come in contact with will be influenced for good.
Our church leaders truly are inspired in their teachings and the role of a mother in todays world is more important than ever.
it is a deal Heatherann, I will make a batch of granola this week and blog about it! You need to do your split pea recipe! Also I am still waiting on your butter blog! haha
Tiff, thanks, that is a wonderful compliment.
way to go!
You’ve been tagged. Go to my site to see to play!
I love your insight about breakfast. I didn’t always sot his very well with my young family…but I was a bear about being home for dinner time…I really think these meal times are lifesaving events in today’s crazy world. Way to go!