
My Partner in Crime was dressing baby boy punk after his bath tonight, from somewhere in the depths of the house a little punk kid yelled “MoooooooooM!!!” PIC said that baby boy punk didn’t even skip a beat and called back “WHAT”I guess that exchange happens a lot in our house!

We got him to repeat that little trick over and over, everytime someone called “mom” he would call back “What?”

6 thoughts on “WHAT!!!!

  1. Very cute! Don’t you love when your kids show you how you act. When my girls play house they “discipline” their kids and I always listen thinking “Do I really sound like that, that often?!

  2. That is hilarious! I love it when they grasp a new concept and respond like an adult. So funny! Savoy walks around all day saying “no no no” wonder where she heard that?!?!?

  3. I will have to get a more recent picture, he has two (almost) three teeth on top now!