I Have another Confession

Remember that post I did long ago about feeding my children?



I mean really, do you all think I am a heartless food Nazi?

And seriously, how can you say no to this?

Yes, I bought nine boxes of

Girl Scout Cookies.

So leave me alone, I have a date with a cookie


It was all about healthy eating and how if we want our kids to eat healthy then we need to only have healthy items for them to eat. That we need to only offer healthy items so they learn to like them.

Well, I guess I am kind of a liar.

Most of the time I am pretty careful about what I serve my kids. We really don’t eat a lot of junk…

really, truly, we don’t!

But then these lovely items presented themselves.
How can I say no to a good, worthy cause such as this!

5 thoughts on “I Have another Confession

  1. God Bless the Girl Scouts! I’ve tried to talk my oldest into joining the Girl Scouts again (she did it in New York.) just so I could get as many cookies as I wanted.
    They really are the definition of delicious.

  2. Oh how I wish I knew a girl scout! I am really gonna miss my Samoas this year!

  3. I guess the question now is. How many do you still have?

    BTW, I did not know we had them until I found an empty box in the recycle bin.