
I know, I know….the clothesline again!
I have decided that I really, really love my clothesline
I can seriously pretend that I am a pioneer woman!

Today was my first official wash day with my clothes line,

like I had said before I have been using it for the last few months, but only for our Levis. Since this was the first wonderful day we have had since I have my line outside I decided that I was going to use it for my whole wash.
I did 10 loads of laundry today
and I only used my dryer once.
I dried our socks and underwear in the dryer.
I promised my mortified punk daughters that I wouldn’t dry their panties outside for all the boys to see (the line is in the back yard, like they would see them anyway). I also promised PIC that I wouldn’t dry our underwear outside, he sited religious reasons, I think he just didn’t want his bottoms flapping in the wind. I didn’t do the socks outside either, I just didn’t have the rooms, my lines were pretty much loaded all day, and I wanted my socks to be fluffy…..

Here is my very first load, my whites, I thought the looked so pretty waving in the breeze.

I learned a few things along the way.

I learned that 80 degrees and 40 mile an hour winds will dry clothes faster than an 800$ clothes dryer will. (I am so serious about he 40 miles an hour winds, by the afternoon it was that windy)

I also learned that PIC is really, really good at putting up a clothes line, one that will withstand 40 mile an hour winds.

I also learned that clothes pins are very effective at keeping clothes on the line during 40 miles an hour winds.

I learned that I like scratchy towels that have been dried on the line, they are very effective at drying a person off. My family on the other hand, not so much….

I learned that it is rather pleasant to hang clothes on the line. I am out in the fresh air and sunshine, instead of squished in my laundry “closet”.

I learned that I like to stay outside and fold the clothes right there on the grass. I did this most of the morning, until the winds kicked up and make that impossible.

I learned that my kids like to come out and play next to me while I was working on the laundry. I could actually enjoy them, they weren’t in my way, like they are in the laundry room (closet).

I learned that hanging laundry out to dry is very physical, lugging a heavy basket full of wet clothes, reaching and bending. It was physical, but it sure felt good.

I learned that I like to watch my daughter’s white dress sway in the breeze. It is such a pretty, carefree sort of thing.

I learned that no-wrinkle shirts are still no-wrinkle when you put them on the line.

And that a good stiff breeze will pull most of the wrinkles out of a cotton night-gown.

(I am a lover of pretty cotton night-gowns. I think I am channeling Jane Austin, Queen Victoria or Anne Shirley)

I learned that I could have used a little sunscreen this first time out, although even if I would have known I would end up with a little sunburn I probably wouldn’t have used it anyway. I never use sunscreen.

I learned that I needed way more clothes pins than I thought I would!

I learned that there is nothing sweeter than a row of onsies hanging on a clothes line.

This little picture is very sweet to me. There was a time I thought that I would never have a son. I am so thankful that there is a crazy little boy in our family. He sat on our little back step, or peeked out the window all day watching me hang the laundry.

I learned that I love to hang my laundry on a clothesline!

13 thoughts on “Clothesline…again!

  1. I would LOVE a clothesline! I hang stuff outside on a rack whenever I get the chance. I learned a few clothesline tips from my grandma that might help you. First…hang things upside down! Then you have those ‘clothespin’marks on the bottom where they don’t show or where they are easier to iron out.
    next…hang two corners with one clothespin. such as all those cute onesies shoulder to shoulder with one pin…kinda hard to explain (call me) but if you get it you’ll save a ton of clothespins. Also if you hang the ‘underwear’ in the middle with sheets on either side nobody will ever see and therefor keep sacred things secret and you get the good line dried smell!

    This gives a whole new meaning to “Hang in There” huh?!

  2. P.S. I love the photos! I can almost smell how good they will smell when you bring them in!

  3. What a sweet entry! I really enjoyed reading your descriptions and seeing the pictures! You make me want to do laundry outside! (well, almost! ) And 10 loads! Very impressive!

  4. Bek, those are great tips, thanks! I get what you mean by hanging things corner to corner. You should hang a clothes line, I will have to tell you about mine, it rolls up when youaren’t using it so no one knows it is there.

    Casey…yes, 10 loads, I am a maniac on laundry days, very driven and focased. Nothing else gets done! You should see my house! HA!

  5. So, you only need half as many clothes pins as you think. Think of it like hanging up 2 papers on the fridge with one magnet, or like folding shut the flaps of a box. Start with the first shirt with one pin on the first shoulder. Then on the second shoulder, overlap the first shoulder of the next shirt and use one pin. I don’t know if that made any sense, but maybe you understand LOL! Another tip is to hanging hubby’s shirts upside-down. Then when you get the clothespin marks dried into the shirt, it hides when you tuck it into your pants.

    I love love love clotheslines! Our dryer went out a few years ago, so we used the clothesline for almost a full year. I also love that the wrinkles just blow right out of the clothes. Don’t so much love the way the sun fades the darks, but if you turn them inside-out to dry, that isn’t so bad.

  6. Oh my gosh I should have read bigdaddyandbekbek’s post before I started typing! LOL!!

  7. I still can’t get over 10 loads!! I do one to two loads everyday instead of having a laundry day and I still feel overwhelmed. Your pics are awesome, you ALMOST have me wanting to hang my clothes outside, but I’m to lazy for the carrying the wet clothes out part.

  8. I don’t really have a laundry room, so if I only did a load or two everyday I would always have laundry in my living room. I would rather work like a nut case one day and have it done!

  9. As always, you inspire! Your clothes looked awesome, and it inspires me to do better! I can’t believe you really have a clothesline, amazing! Take care of you!


  10. I don’t know about the scratchy towles but good for you! You really don need a farm!

  11. I too love a clothesline; all the clothes smell so fresh and clean! When I hang clothes on a hot summer day I love how the dampness of the clothes makes me feel. A clothesline brings so much satisfaction.