Today is beautiful! It is the first really warm day we have had this season. It is 90+ degrees outside and my plants are loving it! Today is laundry day, and a 90 degree day can dry a load of laundry faster than my Fancy shmancy drier. One of the benefits of drying laundry outside is the fact I actually have to go outside! Typically on a day like to day I would be hunkering in the air conditioned house, but not today, I was in and out, enjoying the sun and flowers.
My roses are bursting, and the smell is heavenly. Just outside my back door the air is heavy with heat and fragrance. There is something about the hot smell of roses that sooths my soul.
This first bush pictured is special to me. Dadzoo brought this home for me when he went to buy trees and shrubs for out new home and yard. He knew I wanted to line the back of the house with roses and he picked out the very first one. The yellow of the blossoms are so bright they hurt my eyes!
I love stepping out onto the porch and smelling the roses! Yours are so pretty!
Beautiful pictures! I LOVE roses. I have plans to dig up some of the bushes that are at our new house and replace them with roses.
They look beautiful! I want to plant roses but have had a lot of people tell me they are difficult to grow around here. I need to do some more reading and learning about roses and good ones to grow in these parts before I plant any.
Pretty pretty pretty pictures! I love roses they are so simple and so beautiful! We missed you at the cousin BBQ!
Your roses are beautiful…this is my favorite time of year when the roses are the best. I have some beauties growing…I can’t ever decide whether to cut them and bring them in to enjoy, or just have tons of blossoms outside. What a wonderful dilemma!
Wow they certainly do look beautiful! You do have a way of making plants grow beautiful like that. I will have to come see them some time.
They are even better in real life, I am so jealous of you yard!