
In March I bought 9 baby chicks from a local feed store, I was told that they should all be hens….well, not so much. Out of nine, 5 ended up crowing and one died. So as of Tuesday we only had 3 little chickens left. Now I didn’t go to all that work to only have 3 chickens, and I really didn’t want to go to the trouble of raising a bunch of chicks again. I want eggs, and I want them soon!!! So I looked through our local classified ads and found a lady that was selling 5 month old hens close by. So Wednesday night Dadzoo picked up 4 for me on his way home from work!!! Yay Dadzoo!!!

Here are my new chickies, aren’t they purdy!

Since they are all different colors I decided to name them. Starting from left to right we have: Dolly Madison, Martha Washington, Lady Bird Johnson, and Mary Todd. (Do you see the theme?) My yellow chicken isn’t pictured, but her name is Lemonade Lucy and my two little black hens are Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. They got those names yesterday, they are about the third of the size of these new birds but think they need to show the new guys who rules the roost. They run around pecking at the new birds (those stupid little girls) and I know as soon as the big birds get tired of it they will be able to take the Tweedle sisters heads off.

The lady I bought the chickens from gave me 10 eggs from her flock. They eggs came from the the types of chickens that she gave to me. I am excited for my birds to start laying, look at the rainbow! That one egg right in the middle is a pretty light green, my 4 year old said “Our chicken lays Easter eggs!” (The green is hard to see in the picture)

And look at this fabulous brown speckled egg.

On another note. I finally got something out of my garden! A basket full of salad greens; spinach and little lettuce and baby chard. Yum!

7 thoughts on “Chickens!

  1. Hey Aimee, I just wanted you to know that I have been reading your blog and that you inspire me. Good luck with your chickens, I might be asking you some questions here pretty soon, hubby and I are thinking about moving up to Idaho to his family ranch, and there’s no chickens! Just cows……

  2. I feel your pain! Of our original 6 we have 2. I think that we are going to get some already laying hens too. You must have seen the same lady on ksl that we did. It was a little out of our way though. Good luck with the new flock they look BEAUTIFUL! (And I love the names.)

  3. I am so jealous! I really wish I could have chickens in my back yard. Fresh eggs are so amazing, and they make everything so FLUFFY!!

  4. Absolutely impressed! Okay, stunned is the word?! Seriously, where did you learn all about this? I am loving every post!

  5. I like your new picture… did you take it? You need to invite me down for omelets or something. 🙂

  6. I really think it would be fun to have fresh eggs…but those chickens kind of scare me…don’t know it I could actually do the birds! Have you ever checked out the Chickens in the Road blog? It is a good one and she does chickens!

  7. My husband and I have been talking about how we would love to have chickens. Maybe someday. Those eggs look amazing.