I have a confession…
I haven’t been totally honest with y’all
See I post these beautiful pictures of my yard
and well
I only post the pretty parts of my yard.
I completely,
ignore the ugly parts
(and as you will see, there are some ugly parts)
and the ugly parts that creep into my pretty parts
I (gasp) photoshop them out!
the crop tool is my favorite.
So, in the spirit of honesty
and keepin’ it real
here you go
the ugly pictures
he was the only thing pretty about my yard that day…
(gotta love that hair)
they are dieing.
(see the big thistles under the bushes, it takes heavy duty leather gloves to pull those suckers out)
for about 3 weeks….
and something got my day lilies
or maybe lack of something,
we have been having water issues
(that is another post, for another time)
this is what happens when squash bugs find your squash plants
they die!
this is the lovely view from my back door
and empty rabbit hutch
(this also is another post for another time)
so, I am having a problem growing bushes in my yard
a big problem
and see we have this little family of squirrels that scamper around the yard
and they love to dine on my sunflowers
and they love to dine on my sunflowers
by pulling them down to the ground and eating the seed!
the entrance to the shed
don’t trip
When there is a zilllion acers of weeds bumping up against the back of your yard what can a gal expect!
That is what most of my yard looks like. Except the part with the lawn mower, that doesn’t make an appearance as often as I would like.
thanks for keepin’ it real like you promised! I need to know what the bunny story is! Does my 8 yr old know? anyhoo, your yard is still a gem! weeds and bad parts and all!
This looks suspiciously like my yard. You didn’t come over and shoot pics of my place, when you couldn’t find any ugly patches in yours did you?
Uh, if those are the bad parts in your yard, I think I’m in trouble…
You are hilarious! If we were all to have perfect yards it would take all of our time (at least pulling weeds at my house could keep someone employed full time) I am glad to know you are human like the rest of us!
Oh sweetie, we all only post the pretty parts. I have dead bushes and weeds and an empty rabbit barn too. But the house we are moving too has a pretty yard- I’m scared, I must keep it pretty, I may hire someone!
Good for you for posting the “ugly” parts. (Which aren’t that ugly)
Hey, weeds happen!! We all have ’em…but look at it like this…posting the beautful parts IS keeping it real!!
No reason to keep it real. I like to pretend that it is always perfect! Though if you were showing the scary parts you missed your new friends the spiders… 🙂
oh what a beautiful field of weeds behind ya!!!!! Where on earth do you live?? It’s simply breathtaking!! By the way you don’t have to answer that…being on public web and all:)