This weekend Dadzoo and I have talked at length about ways to cut back. We are getting super serious, I am even considering (drum roll please) cutting off the DISH! This is a big thing for me, and it isn’t like we can just jump to an antenna, 7 years ago when we moved here you could even pick up local stations on the big fancy antenna we bought. So we just might be no TV. Which really wouldn’t be that bad. (Gulp)
I am quiting WW, that will save some pennies.
I am turning down the thermostat. We have plenty of blankets to huddle under at nights, and sweaters for the day. Unfortunately, we are on the yearly plan with out gas company, and that savings we won’t see until next year…I just have to keep the big picture in mind.
We are more mindful of our electricity use. Our yearly plan just adjusted, and it is 50$ more a month than last year! Ouch! I am turing off the lights, and so are the kids, we are making it a game of sorts. We just might need to get use to that more anyway, electricity may become a problem in the next few years. A few candle lit dinners and evenings might be fun.
I am going to go to a cash only system. When Dadzoo gets paid he is going to get cash for household expenses, that is what I will use for everything. When it is gone, it is gone. If there is extra left over it will go back into savings.
I am going to cut back (again) on groceries. I will be making all my cleaning products (much cheaper and healthier) and baking from scratch almost everything. That creates more work for me, but I am a home economist, that is what I do.
I hope this works out, I am praying that we can make this work and by this time next year we will have some significant debt paid off and will be on the way to our goal of self sufficiency.
Wow, way to go! It sounds like you’ve got a great plan there.
If you need some encouragement, no TV isn’t really all that bad. Most of what’s on is junk anyway. The only thing we ever watch is a little PBS in the morning for Red Chief. Other than that, it’s mostly our video collection, plus we can check them out free from the library and borrow from friends and neighbors.
I also LOVE having the house cold at nights, with lots of quilts and blankets to snuggle down with. I sleep much better that way.
Have you checked out the book “Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day”? If you’re planning on baking everything from scratch, it might help simplify the process.
You’re awesome! I keep meaning to bake more from scratch but I guess I’m just lazy. 🙂
I will have to go check out that book. I have been baking all our bread from scratch for almost a year now, and love it!
We’ve never had any sort of cable or anything, and it’s not that bad. I only have a couple of shows a week I watch anyways 🙂
Also, with the cost of everything going up, including baking supplies, I’ve discovered it’s not always cheaper to make things from scratch. Good luck. It’s awesome you make your own bread. I used to occasionally make homemade bread, but now I don’t have the time or the desire.
One of the best things we ever did was turning off the DISH for many reasons. We were not tempted to buy silly things during the holidays. The children and the parents weren’t even aware of them, because we didn’t see the commercials. We got more exercise. We did chores together. We a quantity of quality time with our children. We played games, read stories, sang, planned vacations, prayed, read scripture, and just generally enjoyed each other’s company. We also didn’t see any more half-clad women dancing and bouncing across our living room. You’ll save much more than money doing this. What a blessing for your family.
Since I started cooking from scratch, my food budget has gone way down. My storage room is jam packed. I have peace of mind.
Think of it as a game. How much money can you take back out of the pockets of giant corporations. The Island School House lady directed us to this post. I love it. http://www.daveramsey.com/etc/cms/gazelle_thinking_6736.htmlc
Good luck. I have cut back before and the first weeks are the hardest. Then you just adapt. Of course, if your not careful you creep back up and have to be cut back again. That is where the written budget comes in so handy.
YOU GO GIRL! You are becoming a popular subject in my circle of close friends!! Love ya! I want recipes for your bread (please) and also for the cleaning supplies. Do you use the ones from familyhomestead.com or different! I don’t know if I can stray from Tide b/c of the hubby’s construction clothes- my homemade detergent didn’t do the trick- any ideas?!!!
Whoo hoo! You will get there. You have a great plan here. Good luck! You are AWESOME!
we packed up our tv and love it. We didn’t have dish and only got one channel so no biggy so we talk more, play games more, and shut out the world more.
I also make my own cleaners, laundry soap, and cook just about everything from scratch.
The heat we use electric blankets and keep the heat off till its really cold. But we live in Miss so cold doesn’t hit hard here. It did get to 32 a couple of nights and was windy but it was nice in the house. Great snuggling weather!
Erika @Pioneer Homemaker
Good luck!! I know you can do it and you’ll be so happy.
I never watch TV anymore. It was really not that difficult to get rid of it. I still watch DVDs and the kids get PBS for 30 minutes to an hour a day but that is it.
We are keeping our thermostat down this winter as well. We’ve got wood for the fire place and are looking into getting a kerosene heater as well.
The cash only system is great! It can be difficult at first but once you get used to it (and don’t turn to the debit card when you spend all your cash) it is really rewarding.