Saturday morning on The Homestead

Saturday morning are big work days for our family
Dadzoo is home, so he can do the heavy work that needs to be done
and of coarse
our slaves….um….I mean children are there to help

We had 5 bushes this size that needed to be cut back to almost nothing
they haven’t been pruned for a few years and needed it badly

While Dad cut back the bushes, the kids packed it in the garbage
and later when the bin was full they stacked the limbs in the old potato patch, we will slowly burn it all in the fire pit (after I make it..hehe) through out the winter.

There were also some big plants that had died back that the kids pulled up.

Even Punk Baby Boy was part of the action.

Later that afternoon I was inside cleaning up lunch
when I realised that things had gotten really quiet,

I went looking for the kids and found them playing “bird nest” in the bush pile!

Kids are funny

Then I noticed that Dadzoo wasn’t around anywhere.

After looking around for a bit, I found him, on our neighbors roof..

8 thoughts on “Saturday morning on The Homestead

  1. Isn’t the need for slaves the only reason you had kids? I know it’s why I had kids 🙂

  2. I hate that feeling- when I realize the house has gone silent. I pray I find the little ones doing something pleasant (like you did) instead of dreadful (much more likely). I hope they all go to bed early for you after all your “forced labor”.

  3. Isn’t it such a great feeling to chop stuff down? And kids can find the funnest stuff to do with branches and whatnot. We had a huge dust storm that blew a yardfull of tumbleweeds over the fence. What did Daddy and the kids do? They made a nest for Big Bird! 🙂

    Some may think my home is too noisy, but I prefer the chaos. That means I can hear where my children are…

  4. Silence is NEVER a good thing around here. But your little birdies sure look cute!

  5. LOL – that’s pretty funny you found your husband on your neighbor’s roof.

    I tagged you over on my blog 🙂

  6. Hi,
    I just found your blog from another site. I really like all your recipies and pictures. I love the picture of your husband on the roof, look at those snowy mountains. I so wish it snowed here more than once every 5 years. (I live in Ca.) Great blog. Check mine out if you want.

  7. I was happy to see a picture of the nest, as I couldn’t quite understand what the kids meant that they’d been working on!? We chose to burn our “extra junk” from the yard on Sat…you should have joined us…before the fire dept did! OOPS!