I Love Books

I love to read.

I love to step into a book and out of my life for a little while.
I love to learn new things and have new adventures.

Dadzoo says: “I can’t keep the kids in shoes and Aimee in Books.” I am always looking for something new to read and if I can’t find anything I will re-read something I have already read. I read The Chronicles of Narnia, Little House on the Prairie and the Anne of Green Gable series at least once if not twice a year.

I have been known to read while cooking, eating, watching TV, doing my hair and in the shower (yes the shower!)

I will pretty much read anything, with once exception, I don’t ready crummy romance novels (I do enjoy a good romance, just not the steamy kind, they make me a little ill) or cheesy romances.

Do you read and what are your favorite books?

15 thoughts on “I Love Books

  1. I used to read a book every other day. My very favorite are the steamy historical romances, but I gave them up years ago when I really started becoming active in church. I also loved VC Andrews and Stephen King (I am forever screwed up in the head… LOL).

    I've never really found anything to replace the books I love, so I went from being an avid reader to just occasionally finding a good book to get into.

    One of my New Year's goals was to read more and in the month of January I squoze (so not a word) 3 1/2 books in. So… hopefully after years of occasionally reading I'm on my way back to being a big-time reader. My kids are just like me. They read like crazy and I can't ever keep up with their need and love for books.

    One of my craziest reading moments was when I read all nine Work & the Glory books and the whole Book of Mormon in one month!

  2. Kindred Spirits we are! I’ve never read in the shower but one af my favorite reading locals is in a tub of bubbles. My daughter gave me a funny card that I have framed in my kitchen. It is of a woman reading as she vacuums. Only she is vacuuming up all the furniture and rugs in her path, while totally absorbed in her book.

  3. Me too! I love reading, and your favorites are very similar to my favorites, too. I also love listening to audio books when I’m working in the kitchen or folding laundry.

  4. I also love to read, I did not enjoy it so much in school,I really wish I had though. I love reading devotion books, the Bible, Dr. Sears books, and I love Max Lucado books.
    I guess I will read anything im interested in , parenting, families, homeschooling, etc…

  5. In the shower! lol!!

    I love to read too! I just got finished reading Deep in the Heart of Trouble by Deeanne Gist. I could not put it down. I almost didn’t want to go to bed at night because I wanted to finish it. It was so good. All of her books are very good.

    Christian romances are my favorite. 🙂


  6. I LOVE to read too. I love going to the bookstore and searching for the next world that I’m going to jump into. If you haven’t already, read The Secret Life of Bees. I just wrote a review about it on my blog and it is probably the best book I’ve ever read.

  7. I love to read. My favorite is Dickens (yes, I know that isn’t normal). I hate the steamy romances (don’t think I’ve ever read one) and just one steamy scene will ruin an entire book for me. I have a fantastic used book store down the street from my house and a overly healthy relationship with Amazon. And the librarians know my family by site. Right now I have 30 books checked out and 4 coming in the mail. And my next day out without kids I’m hitting the used store again.

  8. We’ve had this conversations before, I also LOVE to read. My home library has hundreds of books in it. We are officially up to 7 book cases for the “display-able” books and I still have more hidden in closets etc.
    I have read and re-read the same series that you have, but not that often. I am currently still in my classics kick and I am loving how by reading older books I’m learning so much history and grammar and political science from books that have nothing to do with those subjects.

    I am REALLY right there with ya on this one.


  9. I am just starting to love reading and it really can be addicting. In the shower, that sounds like fun!

  10. That does it we are 2 peas in a pod you and I. I love to read as well and my poor Little House books are falling apart with me reading them several times a yr.
    Anne of Green Gables we love. I read them all the time haven’t done the shower yet but while a long soak in the tub I have.

    The kids discovered a used book store near us and yesterday after the piano lesson we went and they exchanged books for more books a new thing for them dig up as many books as they can and resale them for more books LOL.

    Love Erika

  11. Do I love to read? You could say that…
    Pretty much all I do is read and then blog about everything I read at my book blog. I pretty much always have 30-50 books checked out from the library. And I usually visit 2 libraries any given week. That does not count the library across the street that I can pop into at anytime.
    Yeah, I love to read.
    Have you ever been to Goodreads.com? I love that site. You should sign up and then friend me. 🙂
    Cheesy/steamy romances are the worst!

  12. Okay I’ve got a few for you. “God’s Smuggler” by Brother Andrew, “Rebecca” (don’t remember the author), and “The Lady Vanishes” by Ethel Lina White. I like buying books second-hand from Amazon.com or half.com

  13. You’re so amazing; not just reading in the shower, but just finding the time to read THAT MUCH, AND do all you do! I love to read, too, but have always had a hard time grabbing those few minutes to an hour to jump back into a story. There are those times, though, I neglect everyone and everything to move along in a book (not such a good choice). Sounds like lots of your readers love to read, too.

  14. I love to read as well! I end up reading a lot of non-fiction though. Silly, eh? I’ve started tracking things on Goodreads, to try and keep a log of sorts, like Louie L’Amour (Education of a wandering man). I’m digging into The History of the Ancient World by Susan Wise Bauer. I love Rilla of Ingleside, and the Emily series by L.M. Montomgery, and if you haven’t read Gone With the Wind yet, please do! Great stuff!