I don’t like times like this. I like to be able to pause a moment and enjoy how the sunlight is falling on the onion I am chopping for dinner, to feel the breeze brush my face, to smile at chubby arms wrapped around my legs, and then picking up the owner of said chubby arms and kiss his chubby cheeks.
Going through the motions of life is not necessarily a bad thing. There are times that going through the motions is much preferable to falling apart. Life happens and sometimes the best we can do is focus on getting through the day to day in a reasonable manner.
My problem all started with my husband’s fall back in December. For several weeks life was about getting through. It was all about getting my chores and duties done, while taking on my husband’s, all the while caring for him. He was in constant pain for 4 months; it was all he could do to go to his physical therapy, work, then home again, where he would lay on the couch exhausted and in pain. Life for him was rounds of pain medications, doctor’s visits, physical therapy, and ice packs. All of the extras fell to me, not only the physical things he would do (taking care of the trash for example) but the mental extra were mine to take care of, such as disciplining children, schoolwork and dealing with children who were having trouble, he just couldn’t deal with it after a long day of work and pain.
I don’t want to sound like I am complaining, or making myself out to be some hero. I am doing neither. Dadzoo and I are a team; I pick up where he leaves off, when one of us can’t shoulder our usual burdens the other takes over.
On top of all this, I was sick. Not the lay in bed all day kind of sick. The exhausting, bone tired, muscle sore kind of sick. It wasn’t because of all the extras I was taking on, it was more than that, and it left me, at the end of the day a tired mess.
All of this combined made the “motions of life” necessary.
Now, four months after Dadzoo fall, life is getting easier. Dadzoo is healing wonderfully and is mostly out of pain, his physical therapy is finished and his foot surgery is considered a success. He is back to his normal self and I am so happy! After being diagnosed with an underactive thyroid I have been working with a holistic practitioner and I can actually go through the day without needing a 2 hour nap. I don’t lay in bed at nights with my muscles aching anymore. I feel so good and so full of life!
Now is the time to shake off the “motions of life” and enjoy living. Today my daughter and I snuggled on the couch while she read to me. My baby boy greeted me with a “love” this morning. As Dadzoo hugged and kissed me goodbye this morning I took and moment to enjoy his wonderful clean smell. This morning I took the time to explain to my five year old why she shouldn’t hit her brother back when he hits her first instead of yelling, I watched while she hugged him, and he hugged her back. I closed my eyes for a few minutes and listened to my 9 year old practice piano, something she enjoys. I kissed the freckles on my 7 years old nose and she left for school.
All these small, simple beautiful moments add up to make a sweet life, one that fills my heart and makes me so thankful for who I am and what I have.
I was just thinking something similar about an hour ago as my 2 year old naps peacefully and the girls are at school and the house is so quiet. I was thinking back 10+ years ago when ALL I wanted was kids and to stay home and raise them and be a wife and mother. In the midst of all the work and alot of work it is, I have to step back and actually look at all these blessings that I asked for and prayed for, I am living the life I dreamed of:) God is so good.It blows my mind sometimes, like when I see teenagers walking hand in hand, it literally feels like yesterday. Any way I could babble all day……..
Great post Aimee. I think all of us feel that way sometimes but I would have to say you have had your fair share of stress these past four months. I wish I was closer so I could have helped out in some way. You are awesome and I am glad we are related! Have a great day! 🙂
I feel your thyroid pain! It is SO hard to keep going when you thyroid isn’t working for you. I’m glad that you figured that out and that life is going more smoothly for you these days.
I’m sorry things have been extra challenging! I think what you need is a fun girls night out! Hope you are planning on Thursday!?
I understand Aimee and am glad that life is improving for you now. Hang in there and remember God loves you & your family very much:)
Blessings, Aimee
ELOQUENTLY SAID! There is something to be said for “taking time to smell the roses”. You always have such a beautiful way of sharing the most important things in life with out pointing a finger as to what we truly should be doing and enjoying! I love it! Can’t wait to see you, here’s to making STRAWBERRY JAM!
Great post indeed!
I need to step out of the motions and into the sweet life!
You know, I think we need to have those times where life just isn’t wonderful. Well, not that it isn’t wonderful – just that it doesn’t FEEL wonderful. We have to have opposition in all things. It’s hard to remember when you’re in the middle of it, but if it was all good moments all the time, would we be able to recognize that those moments are beautiful?
I don’t know if that makes sense…
Hang in there, it will turn around soon!
I know exactly what you mean. I’m glad things are starting to ease up. Good luck with your thyroid. My family has a huge history of thyroid problems and they are not fun.
Honestly, I don’t know who doesn’t feel that way at times!! I’ve felt like I’ve been going through the motions of life for a long time, and am just starting to enjoy most of the simple things in life. I have to work on it really hard sometimes though!!