First Fruits

My very first harvest for the year.

Pretty purple turnips.

I have never tasted turnips before.

I sliced up the turnips very thin and we ate those raw.
Whew, they had some kick!

Then I cleaned and trimmed and cooked the greens and served them for dinner.

With these yummy ribs!

The ribs were a hit, the greens…well I need to work on those a bit!
Any tips on cooking turnip green would be appreciated!

5 thoughts on “First Fruits

  1. Hey Aimee- try adding a little sugar to your greens while they're cooking – it really helps the flavor. A little cooking oil, too.

  2. I'd never cooked the turnip greens since they seemed a little thorny to me. For other greens though, I like to steam them until they are just wilted, and then put a little red wine vinegar on them like a dressing.

  3. i know they are good with butter! i usually see them cooked a lot like you would cook spinach..

  4. Cook them and serve with salt and vinegar. If you don't like them, try beet greens–they're to die for. Turnip greens are a bit harder to get down.