One of the best things about July in Utah is that we have two holidays.
Of course there is the 4th of July
which is one of my favorites
I love the 4th
it is almost religious to me.
Then we have the 24th of July
that is the day the first Mormon pioneers rolled in the Great Salt Lake Valley.
They were searching for the freedom to worship how they wanted. I had ancestors on both sides of my family that made the trek west in covered wagons and even handcarts (some were a part of this disastrous company). Many people died to be here, and I feel a love and reverence for my forefathers.
So around here the 24th is a state holiday, celebrated much the same way as the 4th, with parades, BBQ’s and fireworks.
We went swimming with the whole family on the 24th and while we were there my sister told me that her husbands grandma had apricots that were free for the picking. After we were done swimming we stopped by to pick a box.
Wow, I have never seen such a large apricot tree before; around here the trees are little.
I am so looking forward to seeing how your creations turn out. My son loves apricots but I have never tried to make anything with them.
Way to score on the free apricots. I'm always a little sad when I live in a ward that doesn't do anything on pioneer day. I would at least like a pancake breakfast.
Free food rocks 🙂
Your apricots are BEAUTIFUL!! Last week we went on a trip that included getting some. LOVE apricots!!
Looking forward to your apricot butter recipe especially. Until then I will either freeze mine or ??
Blessings, Aimee
I've never ever seen an apricot tree before! You've got to love free food. I loved when we got free apples as a kid and my mom canned them. Thanks so much for that pattern the other day. I didn't know I actually got comments on my blog!
Way to go! I absolutely LOVE fresh apricots-so impossible to get unless you have access to a tree-which we don't here in AZ. Have fun processing…..