I can’t hear of someone who has leftover produce and I not volunteer to take it off their hands.
I now have three bushels of green tomatoes.
I am going to use some of the green tomatoes to make “green tomato relish” and the rest will be packed away in the basement to slowly ripen and we will eat fresh tomatoes for the next few months.
The tomatoes that are almost ripe are sitting on my counter ripening, soon to be made into tomato sauce.
My friend over at Be it Ever so Humble has a lot of great ideas for using green tomatoes, don’t let them go to waste!
I wish I could glean half as well as you do! It's been a wish of mine to have a canning party. Maybe that'd be a fun way to get the job done?
Hey I didn't let mine go to waste! I gave half of them to you! Tomatoes will be more loved when I am not pregnant and have acid reflux. You and your family ENJOY!
Excellent! That's about how many tomatoes I have; unfortunately I'm afraid I won't be able to do much with them—my baby hates me to be in the kitchen lately!
Momzoo, a qick question. Do you grow spaghetti squash in your garden, and if so, how well does it grow?
I have grown spagetti squash before and it grew really well, I got several squash off the one plant. I only wish I had more room, I would love to grow more squash!
How about wheat? I have a few boxes of wheat sitting on my porch that are going to get ruined in the weather if someone doesn't take them off my hands. I think there are like 5 boxes, each with 6 of the big cans full of wheat in them. Are you interested?