Usually on Friday nights my girls will have a “sleep over”. They will pick a room and they have a little party, there are usually snacks and movies until late. This week the schools had their “fall break” and Wednesday night wasn’t a school night so we let the girls have their sleep-over. When we put the little boy to bed he was not very happy. He kept calling to “get out!” and on a whim I did get him out of bed and told him he could watch a movie with the girls.
Baby boy’s sisters made a little bed for him and he fell to sleep with the rest of the kids.
Guess that means he is a big boy now and can party with the big kids.
I only wish he would decide to be a big boy and use the potty….
I love that your kids get along so well! I know many families where the girls would have thrown a fit until he got out. You are so blessed.
That's cute! My kids are having a camping week. Papa is coming to visit this week and sleeping in Yguy's room but that's not till Weds…The camping starts tonight though LOL.
They have had campouts since they were little.
Oh hubby just shouted out a big Hello to you and your hubby.
Love Erika
My youngest loves when he gets to sleep with the big kids. Speaking of which, my kids are sounding quite loud for a school night and I need to go break up the sleep over and send them to their own rooms.
So cute! Before we got her a big girl bed my daughter was often crying at bedtime because she wanted to sleep with her brother. They are sharing a room now and both very happy with the arrangement.
it seems that boys are more reluctant to go the next step and use the toilet…izzy wants to be a big boy too, but that potty is thwarting us as well…he's 3 and 1/ goal is by his birthday in march to have him using it…
So precious!