Wintery Wonderland

We finally had our first winter storm.

It isn’t the first time this season we have had snow, but the first significant amount of snow that is going to stick around for a while.

It is cold, so very cold, about 10+ degrees below normal.

Heya Global Warming


Doesn’t that look cold and frosty?

I love snow this time of year, it makes everything seem so cozy and Christmasy

During the storm a little flock of Morning Doves decided that the tree out my back door was a nice place to hunker down. It was really fun to watch these pretty little birds up close, and of coarse I had to take pictures to share.

4 thoughts on “Wintery Wonderland

  1. Lovely pictures! I love watching the birds in winter. We feed them during the winter months and they flock by the hundreds some days to our feeders. The little chipping sparrows are the biggest pigs of all and are the smallest in size.

    I miss the snow on the plains like we had in MT. Mind you I dont miss the frigid cold LOL

    Have a great Day


  2. It was almost 60 here today. The weather this year has just been weird this year. Mild summer, so far a mild fall. But it is back into the teens tomorrow. We'll see how many big snow falls we end up getting this year.
    Love the pictures. I was just thinking today that I have not seen many birds. Not even the cardinals that usually hang out in our trees this time of year.