Sun Tea

Sun Tea is one of my favorite summertime beverages.
It is very simple to make, and can be a lot of fun.

The very first thing to do, is fill a big jar full of water and set it in a sunny spot outside.

Then take a walk around the yard, looking for herbs and edible plants, anything that suites your fancy. Or dig around in your cupboards and find your favorite herbal tea.

Today I picked Lemon Balm

and rose petals.

(Did you know that before vanilla became easily available, ladies used rose water to flavor cakes and cookies? Rose petals have a delicate, unique flavor that I just love)

Everything gets put in the jar and sits in the sun for several hours. Once the water is nice and hot, add some honey and let it cool over night in the fridge. Or serve in a glass filled with ice, for a nice iced tea.

4 thoughts on “Sun Tea

  1. Summer and sun tea go hand and hand. Can you believe I've never tried doing this? I need to though…it looks wonderful.


  2. Rose water sounds delish! at the conservancy garden today we got to try eating day lilies, I am not sure if it was just that kind but they tasted like sweet lettuce!

  3. Oh my goodness-I looked at your lemon balm photo and I realized I have a volunteer lemon balm plant in my yard!!! Now where did that come from? Totally weird. Thanks for identifying my strange plant. ha ha! Now I'm going to go try some-except I have no roses…