Oklahoma? Why We Went

I could write a whole blog post about why Dadzoo and I went on a trip to Muskogee Oklahoma (I have been asked many, many times  “why there?”),  But Dadzoo did such a wonderful job, so I will just let him tell you.

4 thoughts on “Oklahoma? Why We Went

  1. Now I know why you loved OK so much:) Congrats and may you and Dadzoo be blessed again soon!

  2. Aimee…you have such a wonderful husband!!! I've had friends where one or the other have had a "procedure" and they've regretted it too. I am so happy for you both that you were able to get this reversed. And to get a road trip "alone" in the process was an added bonus. I wish your husband a speedy recovery, and that your sixth little one will soon be on the way!!!

    Many blessings,

  3. Aimee, I think this absolutely wonderful. When I read your husband's post I actually had tears in my eyes.

    Now that I am pregnant with our 3rd child, I've gotten questions like… is this it? People suggesting I get my tubes tied.

    TOO permanent for me. I don't know if we'll be having more, but that definitely a decision I won't be making at the age of 28, and that's definitely a decision that my husband and I will make together… not allowing outside opinions.

    I can't wait to hear all about your new journey!!!