In our orchard we are using a permaculture method called “guilding”. Around each tree we plant beneficial herbs and plants, that have several uses. Our goal is to have 5-10 uses for everything we plant here on the farm.
Around each tree we have what we jokingly call “rings of fertility” but in reality that is exactly what they are. Using a sheet mulching method we are creating fertility, in essence building our own top soil. Each ring extends just beyond the tree’s individual drip line, that is the area where the tree absorbs the most water and nutrients, right at the drip line. In each ring of fertility we plant our beneficial plants and herbs that have several functions. Right now we have clovers, chamomile, yarrow, plantain and comfrey planted around each tree. They will pull nutrients from deep down and deposit them up top in the form of mulch. They are also all medicinal herbs that we use.
At the beginning and end of each season we will extend the ring, adding more plantings as we go increasing the soil fertility and variety of plants growing in the orchard.
Eventually the rings of fertility will touch each other and we will have slowly created a biodiverse, fertile orchard that provides us with food, shade, medicinal, and culinary herbs along with beauty.
Very cool! Ya’ll are smart.
No, not Ya’ll, but Aimee be smart. 🙂
You are amazing!
Do you guys offer field trips?? 🙂
Absolutely! At this point it’s a lot of imagining what it will look like in 5-10 years, but you are welcome to come and get the tour and your ear talked off! Lol!
I would love to! With my Homeschoolers. When is the best time of year? Or are there multiple times that are great?
I would say May or June is the best, the garden is planted and everything is still green.
Saying that, you guys are welcome anytime
I will contact you when it gets closer and we can pick a time that works best. I’m excited!
For real, though.
For real
We have been giving tours over the last few weeks to the EM City Council and the Mayor. We encourage people to come see what we are doing. Just keep in mind, it is a process and we are several years out before the real fun stuff starts to happen.
Well, could we do a trip soon, and then another in May or June?