A Walk in June

 This years garden has been wonderful, the best I have had in a couple years.  The last two years our springs were very cold and very wet and it took forever to get anything to grow!  Tonight I harvested my first round of broccoli and kale.  The cabbage patch is going great, so are the tomatoes and squash.  We also have potatoe towers that are starting to sprout.  I am so excited for our garden this year.

4 thoughts on “A Walk in June

  1. Aimee – your garden looks beautiful! I have harvested some lettuce and Swiss chard, but our veggie garden is tiny in comparison to yours! Have you planted any carrots yet? As I recall, yours are always wonderful!

    • Thanks! Yes the carrots are in the ground and growing like gang busters, they are one of my favorite things to plant because they are easy, and so pretty and green in the garden.

  2. We did the potato tower, too! Ours has exploded with sprouts, and I can’t wait to unroll the chicken wire to see what comes out. It’d be great to compare our harvests (east coast vs west-ish coast).