Springtime on the Homestead

Spring had sprung in my little suburban homestead.
We have five new baby bunnies.

Here they are, about three days old…so cute!

Their names are:

Stew, Roast, Fried, BBQ and Stir Fry.

Then Tuesday I got a call from a neighbor who has a friend who bought colored chicks at a pet store because they thought it would be cute for Easter (grrrrrr). Well, the lady who bought them did want them any more (surprise), they were noisy and stinky (really? chickens?) and she wanted to know if I wanted them. So me, never one to pass up free live stock, said I would love to have them. So here they are my freaky, neon chicks…I can’t wait for their real feathers to grow in.

There you have it, Springtime on the Homestead.

(warning…I am climbing on my soap box)
I think it is totally irresponsible for stores to sell dyed chicks at Easter time. People buy them on a whim with no thought as to the fact that chicks grow into chickens, who cluck and poop. Then after 2 weeks they get tired of them….what next?…hmmm didn’t think of that…DID YA!
(ok done now…have a nice day!)

8 thoughts on “Springtime on the Homestead

  1. Wow, I had no idea that people bought dyed chicks for Easter. Aside from just being weird, I agree that it seems quite irresponsible unless you plan to keep them.

  2. Those chicks are verrry strange. I hope they aren’t damaged by the dye dip! BTW-I laughed out loud when I read the names of your bunnies……be sure to share the recipes!! (giggle)

  3. The bunnies are so cute! And tasty when the time comes LOL.

    Someone bought their 3 yr old a bunny and she was about to kill it (go figure) so they gave it to us. DS’s rabbit is very happy to have a lady friend after his last 2 were killed by dogs.

    I agree on the chicks! They are cute but its, excuse me but, stupid to do that to them.


  4. I have never heard of dyeing chicks for Easter. People buy them without intending on raising chickens? Weird. And I agree, irresponsible.

    Love the bunnies and their names.

    My two year old scrolled through this post several times. He thought the pictures were wonderful (and I learned he knows how to use the scroll function on the mouse).

  5. LOL I think the dyed chicks are cute, but I’d NEVER buy them. I don’t like chickens. And just like all baby animals, they grow up and aren’t so cute anymore. The rabbits are creepy looking, but they’ll be sooo adorable once they grow a little 🙂

  6. I’ve never seen dyed chicks before, that’s a weird one.
    But I didn’t think I missed the rabbits that bad until I saw all your little babies and now I want to cry. I’m so jealous. Congrats and have fun with them.
    Love ya,

  7. They still sell those chicks? My mom used to get them every year when she was a little girl, and they usually died (like the goldfish from the fair). I thought they weren’t aloud to sell dyed chicks anymore!

    We’ve got four new baby chicks that are so cute. But ours are normal colored Easter Eggers, Silkie, and Polish.