"My Work Space" or "Composting Part I"

This is my work space

This particular day I was washing and preparing green tomatoes to make relish and I paused, my area was clean and peaceful. There are so many times that I look at this area in my home and I hate it! Dirty dishes all over, sinks to be cleaned and food prepared. It makes me tired! I have learned that if I can stop and love when things are lovable it makes the hard times easier. Does that mean that I always love to do my chores and I sing a happy song and life is all flowers and butterflies? No, I still loath ironing and mopping floors gives me a headache, but the end results, are well worth the effort. If I can focus on that, it makes the work much easier.

Beautiful bowl of green tomatoes in the morning sunshine.

Getting on to the composting portion of my post.

Right next to my kitchen sink I have two plastic bins that I use for my composting. One is for the compost pile and the other is for the chickens.

In the chicken bin I put all of out table scraps. Chicken are omnivores and will eat anything that we humans eat. They also eat and compost, in their own special way, foods that I don’t want in my pile; including meats, pasta and processed foods.

In the compost bin I put any vegetables, peelings, and such, egg shells, paper and bread.

Composting Part II will cover my lazy-man’s versions of compost piles.

3 thoughts on “"My Work Space" or "Composting Part I"

  1. I was so close to climbing into my warm bed an hour early but you made me realize that I'll be much happier in the morning if I clean my kitchen counter first. Sigh…

  2. i've started tossing all vegetable manner in our composting area, but not anything that is of animal origin, including egg shells…do they break down all right? there are many chores in the house that i don't like doing but i do them nonetheless..

  3. Nice…I'm expecting a delivery of worms this week. Yup…I know it snowed last night. but we are bound to have thawings inbetween the freezings. When I redid our landscaping I found 2 worms, TWO! Now I know why weeds grow beautifully and other things don't. I also went around ther neighborhood and collected as many leaf bags as I could find. My piles are huge. I'm going to add all my kitchen waste, too. Maybe next summer our veggies will be bountious. Loved the post.