Chicks, a Week Later

It is amazing to me how fast chicks grow! After only having them one day the little wing feathers were starting to grow in, and a week later not only are the wing feathers in, the tail feathers are starting to grow too.

I have been asked a couple times what breed of chickens did I get. I ordered two different types, Delaware and Araucanian (aka Easter Eggs Chicks).

I got the Araucanian because I love their Green/blue eggs, the make a beautiful addition to my regular brown eggs.

I got the Delawares for a couple reasons: first, they are listed as “Critical” with the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy. Meaning they are a breed that is slowly becoming extinct in favor of commercial breeds. I like to do my part. Second, they lay big brown eggs, I like brown eggs, it makes me feel like a farmer. Third, they are suppose to be quiet, since my chicken aren’t exactly legal, quite is good.

Then I had a “rare and exotic” breed thrown into the bunch, I have no idea what kind it is, that is my little black chick running around.

My little Delies and starting so showing black baring in their wings and tails, while the Araucanian are all sorts of colors.

This red/brown lady is a special favorite of ours, she is pretty much guaranteed a place in our little flock.

3 thoughts on “Chicks, a Week Later

  1. I'm always amazed at how fast they grow too. We're gearing up for the chicks we ordered last week…15 sexlinks for brown eggs, and some more white leghorns we're hatching ourselves (white eggs).

    We bought seven "hens" from a lady a couple of weeks ago…well my husband found out today that one of them is NOT a hen, ehem!!! Just what we need around here, another rooster.

  2. They're adorable! Good news – I just got an email from my city saying that tonight they're considering legalizing chickens here! WAHOO!!