Creative Soultions

My PIC is a smart, smart man. Sometime I forget that, especially when it comes to the kids. Friday is cleaning day around here, and everybody is expected to pitch in. It involves more than your basic picking up and making your bed. We dust, vacuum, change sheets, wash window seals, light switches, clean bathrooms, scrub toilets and tubs. My two oldest punks are in charge of their room and the basement, and any other jobs I need help with, but mainly their bedroom. Yesterday they basically fought and bickered the whole time. Punk #2 kept telling me she was finished, and when I would check, she was anything but finished! Punk #1 suddenly forgot how to make a bed, and couldn’t work with her little sister in the same room. ARGH!!! After fighting with them from 4:00 to about 10:00 I gave up and sent them to bed, with the promise it would be done in the morning. Well the morning came, and so did the bickering. I was at my wits end! I was laying in bed (trying to sleep in a little) and I could hear them in their basement bedroom fighting. Well PIC came up with a plan. He called the girls upstairs and found his duct tape. He taped them together! One arm and one leg, and told them that when the bedroom was clean and they stopped fighting they would be let loose. I thought he was a little nutty, I figured that they would fight even worse! It only took about 2 minutes, and they were laughing! Laughing! They were giggling and laughing trying to figure out how to walk down the stairs together. They went to their room and cleaning it in about 20 minuets, laughing and talking the whole time. I was surprised. Very, very surprised. My man is a smarty pants!

5 thoughts on “Creative Soultions

  1. I love ingenious “punishments.” Once when my oldest was lying to me, I wrote “I lied to my mother” on his forehead with eye liner. My entire family was over for a visit, making it exceptionally embarassing for him. You can bet he didn’t lie for a while.

  2. Husbands are the best! They always have good ideas that work, and we’re always like “why didn’t I think of that?!”