I am so sorry

Life has been really complicated at my house since Christmas, and the last 3-4 weeks have been especially busy. The first two weeks of February I had my house painted (and yes there are pictures waiting to be downloaded!), my little brother left on his mission (lots of family farewell parties), sick kids, crashed computer and last but not least Dadzoo is having surgery on his foot tomorrow, a result of his fall at Christmas time (can you say MEDICAL BILLS!).
I haven’t been blogging or checking blogs like I usually do, I am hoping to get caught up in the next little while.

I Love Skunks

O.k. so I don’t really LOVE skunks, I just love them this time of year and what they mean!

Saturday I was driving around doing some shopping and I saw (and smelled) two dead skunks on the road.

Know what that means?

Here is the thing about skunks they hibernate….so if there are skunks around that means they are OUT of hibernation….which means….


YAY…I love skunks!

Little Bit of This and That

Dadzoo finally was able to back to work this Monday after three weeks of recovery time from the big fall. He luckily was able to work from home the last week, but he was itching to get back into the swing of things and go to work.

Having him here for that amount of time was a lot of work, especially the first 10 days or so when I had to do just about everything for him. I dressed, bathed, brought him his meals and helped him to the bathroom, gave him his pain pills at all hours of the night and took on all his regular responsibilities.

I learned a lot.

I was happy to do it.

I have finally been able to get back into the swing of things and Monday I tackled the kitchen area, I posted the before pictures on Saturday. Here are the “after” pictures. It sure felt nice to have some order to the house.

This pile of papers needs to be gone through, and my housekeeping binder updated, but at least is it neat.

(even if the picture is blurry….)

And all I have to do is pan out at bit and here is a lovely view of the laundry stacked in my living room waiting to either be folded, hung up or washed.

I didn’t take a picture of the other chair stacked as high….or the couch….

I swear all I do is laundry.

Ok, I take that back….I swear all I do it pick up after kids, and cook. I really don’t do laundry all week. I usually get it done by Tuesday, mostly done, there always seems to be a pile of socks or underwear that is hanging around wanting to be folded. But anyway, I am babbling….

See this pretty shiny little tool, my in-law’s gave this to me for Christmas, I have wanted one for a while now and I am so excited to have it.

Monday I made this with it

I seriously think I will be making all my pasta fresh from now on, it was so good, and really easy. I didn’t have any whole wheat ground or I would have used that. Last week I made big fat noodles for Chicken Soup with whole wheat and everybody loved it. Making whole wheat pasta from scratch is so much cheaper than buying it.

And last but not least.

A picture of my favorite guy…

my favorite little guy that is,
Dadzoo is my favorite guy.

10 Random Facts…..

I was tagged by Serial Mom. (As a disclaimer, Serial Mom’s blog isn’t one that I would usually read, but somehow we be came acquainted and I periodically read it, I don’t agree with some of the things she says, but isn’t it the differences that make our world so interesting?) I’m supposed to list off 10 Random Things that are honest about me. I’m also supposed to tag 7 people to follow suit. A few months ago I participated in a tag where I was suppose to list 7 random facts, so I am going to link to that post and add three more. Here goes:

For my first 7 facts go here.

8. I am a Conservative. More so than even my family realises. I boarder on right-wing-nut-job, as in teetering on the edge. Dadzoo and I don’t have an arsenal of guns hidden in the basement….YET! Obviously I didn’t vote for Obama, I didn’t vote for McCain either, I voted third party, and if you want to know who I really voted for don’t even bother asking, I won’t tell you. 🙂 However, if I lived in a state where the Obama/McCain race would have been close I would have voted McCain, but I live in the great state of Utah, the candidates don’t even bother visiting here everybody knows how the races are going to turn out here.

9. I really, really care about what people think of me, I know I shouldn’t, but I do.

10. Dadzoo and I dated for 2 weeks before we got engaged, then we were married 3 1/2 months later. We are a good match.


My baby girl is 4 1/2 years old and has a hard time talking so she can be understood. I have been trying to work on this with her. Whenever she says something a little off we will try out the sounds and say it again and find other words with the same sounds.

For example today she said “I don’t like pankins (Spankings)”

So we practiced saying the “S” sound and we said spanking a few times, then we tried to find other words that started with the “S” sound so we could practice. It turns into quite a game for us and we have a good time trying to find words. Today we came up with words like: Silly, Sunday, Summer, Spring, Sweet and Snake.

Later that afternoon I had my little daughter gather towels in the bathroom so I could wash them. As she was caring the towels into the laundry room she said:

Ssss, Sssss, SLAVE!”