
Punk #3 was reading a book with Dadzoo tonight.It was about Predators.

Dadzoo asked punk #3 if she knew what a predator was.

She said “Oh yes, they are animals that are really rude to other animals.”


I guess you could say that!

Brains, Blood and Hearing Voices

Punk #4 is in that stage where kids say the funniest things. She is 4 and a half and is really trying to figure this world out

Good luck kid

Figuring the world out….


Yesterday I was in the bathroom doing her hair for school. The girls tell me all sorts of things in the morning while I am combing and curling and fluffing their hair, I think it is because they know they have a captive audience. As I was putting an elaborate pony tail thingy in her hair she announces that she knows why Sarah (her older sister) had blood coming out of her foot (Sarah had a toe nail that got caught on something and started bleeding the day before.) Here is our conversation:

“Mama I knowed why Sawa had blood comin‘ outta her foot.”


“‘Cause she’d have too much blood in her foot and it leakeded out….knowed how I knoweddat?”

“No, how?”

“Cause I berry smart, I hab a gweat big bwrain in my head….it knowed lots of stuff.”

Later that day she was throwing a major, major fit, and I trying to be a loving Christ-like mother said to her, very calmly:

“Honey, is this how Heavenly Father would like you to talk to me?”

In total exasperation, with her face red and hair flying she throws up her arms and yells

 “I not knowed what He said, He not talked to me! I not heaw His boice!”

I couldn’t stop laughing!

Our System of Government

The other night the punk children of the family decided to vote on whether or not they had to do their daily steward ships on weekends. Of coarse they won by a simple majority and they cheered thinking they had obtained victory. Dadzoo quickly reminded them that our home is not a Republic or a Democracy, that it is a Dictatorship and that he, Dadzoo, was the Royal Dictator.

Later as we were talking about our system of government we decided that it had to be something other than a dictatorship, being that Dadzoo’s rule was religiously backed. He is after all the head of our home by divine right. I, the honorable Queen Mother, (as I at times make the kids call me) made a call to the smarty-pants-college-boy-baby-brother of mine and asked if there was a name for the system of government that was religiously based. Without skipping a beat he said, “Oh yeah, it is called a Theocracy.”

So there you have it, my home is a Theocracy.

Nuff Said!

The Reason I Had Kids….

I love babies
that is why I had kids

I love my husband
that is why I had kids

I love my Heavenly Father
He commanded it
that is why I had kids

They bring me so much joy
that is why I had kids

I needed slaves in my garden
(just ask them)

We will be getting our first freeze this weekend, time to get the tender veggies in…more havest time pictures to come.