Parenting Tip

I love little parenting and housekeeping tips.
It is a good way to learn from others and to improve yourself.

Today I have a little parenting tip of my own

You ready?

This is a really, really good one.


Ok, here goes…

“When your 1 year old falls to sleep on the cold kitchen floor, he is really tired and you should put him/her to bed.”

Isn’t that great!

(you like that crumb stuck to his head? Sheeze what kind of mother lets her baby crawl around on a messy floor!)

Now seriously, I have to explain myself a little. Usually Baby Boy Punk has two naps. One in the early morning and a long one in the afternoon.

I had a Dr. appointment with Punk #1 at 3:00, which meant that I needed to leave the house a little after 2 to pick her up from school and be into the Dr.’s on time. So I decided to skip his morning nap and put him to bed a little earlier than usual so he could get a good solid two hours before we had to run into town to see the Dr.

His morning nap is from 9 to 10 (I wake him up at ten, I love my afternoons too much to let him sleep any longer) Afternoon nap start about 12:00-12:30 depending on the day. He passed out on the kitchen floor at 11:00, poor kid! He was so close to bed! I was going to feed and put him in his soft crib right at 11:00!

I was staring to wonder if he really needed his morning naps anymore, I guess this answered my question!

The Love of my Life

Sometimes you are just going along in life.
Not noticing much, just plugging along.
Taking care of the house and
all the little things that have to be
done with the kids.
Everything is good
the days are normal
he goes to work
you send him off with a kiss
you greet him with a kiss
there is dinner
bath time
mommy time
daddy time

and then it hits you

out of the blue
you look over and it is like you are noticing him again for the first time
and you realize
“I love that man!”

I had one of those moments today

I hate to vacuum up those stairs
and he did it for me tonight

I walked past

and he looked up at me and I thought

“I love that man!”

Odds and Ends

You must forgive me
I am passionately in love with my garden

Remember my little tiny lettuce sprouts?

well now they are a soft carpet of green

Here is my spinach patch
I used floating row covers and covered my boxes
it helps trap the heat
and keeps the stinking cats out

I took the covers off today to have a peek, and lookee!

my other lettuce has started to sprout,

this is a red-oak leaf lettuce

And this little number is a cabbage

I have 3 others coming up too

despite the cat!


Peas!!!! YEEEHAW!

Ain’t they purdy!

This is a chicken

isn’t it the weirdest chicken you have every seen?

Don’t ask me why I have a picture of a chicken

I won’t answer.

Another little odd and end

I made Pico de gallo

I have never made this before

I thought it looked really pretty

I did find out tonight that my PIC doesn’t like Pico de gallo….


Who knew!


I know I have a few cat lovers that read this blog, so I apologize in advance.
I hate cats,
I hate ’em,
hate ’em,
hate ’em!

I think it mostly started when I was a little girl, anyone who knows my mother knows that she hates cats too, she has a phobia when it comes to cats. Growing up I never really liked them, something about cats CREEP me out a little, but I did hate them.

Then I had a neighbor move in next door, she had 10 cats. Yes, 10 cats! She kept them inside with her during the day, but at nights she let them roam. Now one would wonder why I would be so opposed to 10 cats wandering around at night, it isn’t like I would see them, right? (BTW, NONE OF THEM WERE “FIXED” SO WE DEFINATLY HEARD THEM AT NIGHT) Well, I didn’t see them, however, they all decided that my flower beds would make a great litter box, and I smelled them!! I am a lover of gardens and gardening, especially my flower beds, and it really ticked me off that every time I went to work in my flower beds I was digging in their potty! That is when I started to hate cats!

Luckly cat lady moved away after a couple of years, and the amount of cats roaming my yard went way, way down, almost to manageable levels. I would have the occasional cat bug my rabbits, but it wasn’t TOO bad. Until now. I have my beautiful garden boxes, all ready and planted, for the past three nights the neighborhood cats have decided that once again I am the provider of litter boxes. ARGH!!!! They have dug up my garden boxes. So now I have three boxes full of cat poop, and seeds scattered all over! Needless to say, I am mad! So, so stinking, cat-kicking mad! So today, I will be covering my garden boxes with “floating row cover cloth” and chicken wire so I can keep the

neighbors cats
out of
my gardens!