The Great Bathroom Clean-up

Crystal over at Biblical Womanhood has challenged us to de-clutter today. I am just off of one big huge week of de-cluttering! The children’s rooms are nice and tidy and de-cluttered! (for now anyway)

I decided today I was going to tackle my bathroom. We do have two bathrooms in our house, however the master bathroom is the one where all the “grooming” takes place. With 4 daughters it can quickly become a mess. The bathroom counter is especially messy.

Here is two days worth of primping and fluffing. My poor husband has to wade through all this. It really isn’t fair to him….

Here is a picture of the shelves above the toilet. They stay pretty clean, but sometimes they can get a little cluttery.

And the linen closet. It isn’t super bad. I have this thing with my towels.
I like them folded nicely….

Now we have the results of about 45 minuets of cleaning:

A nice tidy counter top

clean shelves

and….yay…..a neat and tidy linen closet.

Now for the rest of the house……

Hop on over to Biblical Womanhood and see what other gals have been doing.

Parenting Tip

I love little parenting and housekeeping tips.
It is a good way to learn from others and to improve yourself.

Today I have a little parenting tip of my own

You ready?

This is a really, really good one.


Ok, here goes…

“When your 1 year old falls to sleep on the cold kitchen floor, he is really tired and you should put him/her to bed.”

Isn’t that great!

(you like that crumb stuck to his head? Sheeze what kind of mother lets her baby crawl around on a messy floor!)

Now seriously, I have to explain myself a little. Usually Baby Boy Punk has two naps. One in the early morning and a long one in the afternoon.

I had a Dr. appointment with Punk #1 at 3:00, which meant that I needed to leave the house a little after 2 to pick her up from school and be into the Dr.’s on time. So I decided to skip his morning nap and put him to bed a little earlier than usual so he could get a good solid two hours before we had to run into town to see the Dr.

His morning nap is from 9 to 10 (I wake him up at ten, I love my afternoons too much to let him sleep any longer) Afternoon nap start about 12:00-12:30 depending on the day. He passed out on the kitchen floor at 11:00, poor kid! He was so close to bed! I was going to feed and put him in his soft crib right at 11:00!

I was staring to wonder if he really needed his morning naps anymore, I guess this answered my question!

The Spring Clean

I am finally back to my SPRING clean. It has been a wet, rainy day around here, so my flowers and gardens weren’t calling to me and things were really quiet around here for a few hours, so I decide to TACKLE a couple of cupboards.
Here are a couple of before shots. I am famous for just shoving things into cupboards. Each item has a specific cupboard they belong in, and each cupboard has a theme, I am just not so good at put things away neatly!

I also DECIDED that I wanted to participate for the first time in “Making your Home a Haven Monday” over at so I needed to take some before and after pictures.

Here are the “before pictures”

When we moved in 7 years ago this shelf (picture below) was never installed. I finally got around to alerting PIC of the problem and he had it fixed in about 30 minutes I really should have had him do that soonerhmmmm.

Here are the after pictures. I threw away some stuff, but mainly I just put things in a proper order. The trick will be keeping it that way! HA!

For more ideas and pictures of what other ladies have done head over to Biblical Womanhood

Oh the Joys

There is something about the breath of fresh spring air that whispers to me “clean your house”. Isn’t that funny, I think most people do some type of spring cleaning. For me it varies from year to year on how much and what I do. Last year I did no spring cleaning, I had a very small baby and just getting the daily dishes done was chore enough for me! I had also just done a major cleaning in January (with the help of my wonderful husband and two brothers) right before the baby came.
There is just something about finally opening the windows after being hunkered down all winter that makes me want to knock down the cob webs and scrub the base boards.
So this week I started my project of spring cleaning my house! I have decided that I am not going to rush myself, I don’t want to try to do it all in one or two exhausting days, I am going to do it slowly in the next few weeks. That way I won’t skimp trying to get it done. I have first started on the kitchen, it gets a lot of traffic, so I felt it needed it the most. So far I have scrubbed all the base boards with a small scrub brush, to get the yuckies out of the tiny corners. It is amazing to me how just the act of cleaning base boards makes the whole room look better. I washed the wall in the dining area, a one year old in a high chair surely does a number on walls. Four active little girls, makes for a lot of dirty finger prints. I washed my table really, really well with wood soap. I got all the cracks and little hidden places. I really need to oil and wax it, a lot of the wood doesn’t have a finish on it, but I will save that for another day. I washed the back patio door and dusted the walls and ceiling. I did the base boards in the kitchen too, washing the cabinet doors as I went a long, I got the corners with a tooth brush, I didn’t realise how dirty they get until my eyes were right there! I also did under the stove. That was my first days work, and the kitchen already looks so much nicer and cleaner. I swear it is starting to sparkle.

Yesterday I worked on my kitchen cabinets, the top ones anyway. I took everything out a cabinet at a time and wiped the shelves out and rearranged things a bit. I packed away all my baby bottles (cry) to give to the next person in my family that has their first baby. I threw away or gave away a lot of dishes that I haven’t’ used and got rid of a lot of little odds and ends. I wiped off the fronts of the cabinets, they weren’t too dirty, mainly dusty, the wood soap gave them all a nice sheen.

Today I took a break from the kitchen, the rest of the house was feeling neglected! On Monday I will be back working on the kitchen. I will be cleaning out the lower cabinets.
I love the feeling of a clean house.

Wish me luck in the next month as I plow through this house one job at a time!!!

House keeping tip…..

I am always looking for little ideas and tips to help me with my household chores. I came across a little one this morning, in fact it is one I came up with all on my own and I thought I would share it with all of you!
When you childs sleeper looks like this after he has been crawling around the kitchen floor, it is time to sweep.

I will be posting another recipe tonight, and I promise I promptly swept the floor after taking this picture….

(Ok I must defend myself a little, this picture was taken right after I got the big kids off to school, so I hadn’t swept yet after breakfast. One of the minor annoyances of baking my own bread is that it is really crumbly, and this is the result!)
