We are six weeks into our first experience with cloth diapering. In all honesty, I would have to say: I wish I had been doing it all along. Cloth diapering has been so easy and simple, I hardly notice that we are doing it, and I LOVE not buying paper diapers and spending all that money only to throw it away. Cloth diapering is a completely different animal than it was 20 years ago, there are many different styles and systems and, best of al,l gadgets that keep your hands out of the toilet! Washing machines are more efficient and heavy duty and can handle, with no problem, loads of diapers.

Diapers, cloth wipes, inserts and covers all folded and ready to put away.

diaper cover
I chose to use a contour type diaper with a separate diaper cover that can be used for several diaperings.

Diaper inserts, I add these at night to help with the extra absorbency. My mother-in-law made these for me.
When it is time for a diaper change the soiled diapers go into a wet bag, and later that evening the whole bag goes into the washing machine. Right now while I am nursing, I don’t have to rinse out any of the diapers. When she gets older and solid food is introduced any soiled diapers will be quickly rinsed out, using a sprayer attachment, in the toilet, no scrubbing needed, the washing machine can get it all clean.

Wet bag, hanging on the side of the changing table. I have two I use, one to wash and one to use.
When the diapers are all washed, right before bed, I hang everything on a small drying rack to air dry over night. I do this for two reasons, the first is that it makes the diapers and inserts more absorbent, it also saves energy, not using the dryer, which saves a little money.

Diapers and other accessories drying in the morning sun.
Had anyone else tried cloth diapering, what was your experience?