Flowers at the Window

I love the way my Mock Orange blossoms look in the sunlight on my kitchen window seal, a little piece of pretty perfection.
















And the fragrance, incredible, better than any scented candle!





Change is in the Air

This is what we woke up to this morning, the view from my back door....


The mountains behind the house were clouded in mist, and as the sun started to come up....


There was a light dusting of white under the mist....


Snow in the mountians, the seasons are changing.

Growing Birds



With our cold,wet spring, nothing seems to be growing very well around these parts.  The garden is about three weeks behind season, which is death for pumpkins and such, and the tomatoes will be late, making for a smaller harvest.  It is good to know that somethings are still able to live a grow, our little nest box is full of the first round of baby birds.  I love walking around the corner of the house to hear their tiny chirps.  When they are grown and have left the nest we will clean out the box and another round of babies will be hatched, we can usually get three hatchings in a season.