We have added a new member to our family and farm.
And if any one is keeping count, our new little one will be on the boy’s team.
(which makes us gals still ahead!)
Here is our newest little guy

Ruger is offically Dadzoo’s dog, he handles night time feeding and lets takes him out at nights. While Ruger is an outside dog, during his first week he got to sleep in his crate in the mudroom.

However, Ruger could never figure out how to not poop in his crate and we fixed a nice little place outside for him. I would rather shovel poop that clean up newspaper and lay it out again.

We have had Ruger close to two weeks now, he is pretty good on a leash, and knows his name. Soon we will start training him to follow commands, “sit” being the first one we will teach. Being a farm dog and being around other animals including chickens he needs to be trained well.

Ruger’s loves to sit on my boots and snuggle down to nap, the second I go outside he is sitting on my feet wanting a cuddle and a scratch. I think he knows I am the Mom.