These pictures are about 4 weeks old, but I felt I had to get them posted, so we can have a record of our progress.
The view of the garden area, it is a 100×70 foot plot.
I thought it would be enough
we will be adding more next year
(shhh, don’t tell Dadzoo, he doesn’t know yet)
Another view of the garden.
Under the little hoop house are onions, they have been in there since the first of April and are thriving.
Little Man “owns” the pumpkins this year, and he got to help me plant them.
He is going to make a great little farmer and a wonderful pumpkin grower.
(we are planning on having a lot, and hopefully will be able to sell some for his piggy bank)
The pumpkin patch with little paper hats to keep the critters (quail especially) from eating the seeds before they sprout.
Sassy “owns” the cucumbers, and here is her “pickle patch”.
We planted two hills of eating cucumbers, and the rest are for pickling.
Sassy and I are going to make lots and lots of pickles this fall, it will be a first time for us both and we’re excited for the challenge. And one corner of the garden has three goose-berry bushes.
Someday I am going to make goose-berry pie,
doesn’t that sound all old-timey and romantic.
I tend to be a bit of a romantic
in case you haden’t noticed!