Random Things, on a Random Day

-Today I am trying really hard to be productive, but I have friends that are proving to be a distraction (you know who you are!)

-Roasting two chickens in the crock pot.  It is hot outside and I don’t want to heat up the kitchen by using the oven.  Roast chicken is slowing moving into first place, our beef is almost gone, and a whole chicken is cheap, one will feel my family with some leftover.  Here’s to chicken!

-Ice cream is in the ice cream maker.  That was my Mother’s Day gift, a six quart ice cream maker and I am so excited.  We are having a party Friday for my children’s friends and I promised homemade ice cream, so I figured I needed to do a practice run first.

-Did I mention we are having a party Friday, so not in my comfort zone, hope I can entertain 30 teenagers!

-The weather is warming up, really warm, record warm.  We haven’t turned on the air conditioner yet, for two reasons.  I am afraid it won’t work, that is how our luck has been with this house (did I mention the roof and windows leak?) and if I put off turning it on I put off knowing this for sure, yeah twisted logic, but it makes me feel better.  Dadzoo is also very nervous about the electricity bills, the rates are higher here and the house is bigger, so I am trying to conserve as much as possible.  Although we might cook to a crisp today.

-Lots of laundry, I am making a focused effort to have it finished today so I don’t have to fuss with it during the party preparations.  I love using a clothes line (have I mentioned that before?).

-We have mice, yuck, and we are getting another cat today.  Happy hunting!




The First Garden

The planning and preparing of our first garden at Quail Run is something I have enjoyed and anticipated very much.  I decided to use an area that had previously been pasture, it was already fenced and cleared of sage brush, making our work a little easier, all it needed was a plowing.

Dadzoo, tilling the virgin pasture

It is a good size area too, maybe about an eighth of an acre, perfect for a good size kitchen garden.  I am planning on using a cover crop for about a forth of the space, rotating and using the cover crop as a green manure to keep the fertility high, in an attempt to keep the garden “organic”.

Boo planting the cabbage patch

Little baby cabbage, of the green variety

Little baby cabbage of the purple variety


Little bitty carotts, just coming up

Early in the season we planted a few early vegetables, ones that can handle freezing temperatures: cabbage, beets, carrots and onions.  They have been slow to come up, spring has been rather cold and dry making things a bit sluggish.

Onion hoop house

With the amount of critters we have running around the place, specifically quail, we covered the garden beds with a light row cover, to keep the birds from eating my seeds, and the jack rabbits from eating the new little seedlings.

Cabbage, carrots and beets all tucked in and ready to germinate

Over the onions I made a little hoop house, in the past I have learned (the hard way) that onion seedlings don’t like anything laying on top of them, they die when that happens.

For everything else I just lay the cover on top.

This weekend we will started planting the warm season vegetables, as the threat of frost has past.  I am so excited to plant and harvest and preserve enough to last a year, this  something I have been dreaming about for years!


Growing Tomatoes

Remember our little tomatoes?

After about three weeks they looked like this:Beautiful, big and green, and growing out of their space.

Tomato plants tend to get long and lankly very easily, which makes them a tad delicate once they have to deal with wind and such.  There is a simple trick when dealing with long tomatoes that will help with the delicate stems.  It is so easy I am almost embarrassed to share!


Bury the stem.  I know, profound, yet so simple.  That long lanky stem can be buried almost up to the first true leaves, and that stem will make roots which gives you a stronger plant.

Simple, yet beautiful in its simplicity.


Clothesline, Bestill My Heart

I have always enjoyed using a clothesline, for so many reasons.

I love being out in the sunshine and fresh air
I love the quiet as I hang laundry
I love listening to the birds
I love feeling the sun on my neck
(while not as romantic)
I love the energy savings, sunshine is free, I don’t pay for it
I love how fresh and clean the laundry smells
I love the disinfectant power of sunlight
I love the whitening power of sunlight

Saturday Dadzoo made me a clothesline

Monday as I was walking out to the line to hang a load of diapers I found that I needed to add another “love” to my list.I LOVE that view.
How lucky am I that I get to look at THAT while doing laudry!

Le Palais de Poulet


The Chicken Palace

I didn’t get pictures of all phases construction of the Palais, it was a process that took about a month, and I wasn’t around for some of it, and sometimes it was really cold and I didn’t want to go outside.  Anyway, the Palais is mostly complete, all it needs now is a coat of paint on the outside, otherwise it is housing our little brood.