I love fresh fruit.
I love this time of year when the grocery stores are full of all sorts of fresh fruits.
I love how it smells
I love how it looks on my table
I love how it looks in my grocery cart
(you know…hey everybody look, I eat healthy)
I have a little problem when it comes to fresh fruit
it tends to sit on my table looking all pretty
and goes rotten while I am getting around to eating it.
This summer I promised myself things would be different
I am going to be a better steward of all the bounties that God provides.
I am going to show respect for all the hard work Dadzoo does
and I am not going to let good food go to waste!

So I have this really pretty bowl of peaches sitting on my table
and they look so pretty
and smell so good and peachy
they are starting to get soft
so I decide that for breakfast tomorrow I am going to make a peach crisp and I am going to blog about it too, since I have so much time…hehe…
(ok, fine, I don’t have extra time, but what the heck a girl had to play a little, right, and since I am too poor for pedicures and shopping trips blogging about my cooking is the next best thing)So here we go
the cast of characters:
8 nice ripe peaches
2 cups brown sugar
1 cup flour
1 cup old fashioned oats
1 cup butter (softened)
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp nutmeg
Very simple, down home ingredients, not really expensive, but not diet friendly either.
First thing, mix all your dry ingredients
Then add your butter, I use my hands and mix it in really, really well. The softer your butter the easier it is to mix in.
Then I cut up the peaches.
This is the most time consuming part of the whole recipe.
I fill my clean sink full of hot water, as hot as I can stand and plunk all the peaches in it.
I will let them sit for a while, that is when I mix all the dry ingredients.
The hot water makes the skin come off easier.
I peal and slice them in to a bowl of cold water and the juice of one lemon
(or in my world, a good splash of bottled lemon juice, why bother measuring?)
The lemon juice will help keep the peaches from turning brown, if I was going to bake the crisp right away, I wouldn’t bother with the lemon juice, but since it is going to sit in the fridge overnight and be baked in the morning I don’t want yucky brown peaches.

Place your peaches in the bottom of an ungreased baking dish
Look at those lonely peaches, I think they need a little sugar
yeah, some sugar
(Pour Some Sugar on Me…Def Leopard…anyone else have that song running through their head?)
Maybe a little more sugar
and more….
Beautiful, looks just right
of course, you don’t need to pour any sugar on the peaches
it is yummy without sugar.
I just had a weak moment.
(don’t we all?)
Spread the topping on top of the peaches
(that is why we call it topping)
Don’t that look purdy
already the juices are starting to make a wonderfully yummy peachy syrup.
At this point I popped this puppy in the fridge.

When Dadzoo woke up I went and put it in the oven (400 degrees)
it was a beautiful morning
I should have strolled around the yard
or read scripture
I didn’t
I climbed back into bed
about 45 minutes later it was ready
The top was crispy
The syrup was hot and bubbly
I served it in a bowl with some milk.
I figured since it was for breakfast, I should have something healthy to go along with it.
(I really wanted some ice cream or real whipping cream, but I figured it was loaded with calories as it was…)
There you go
Peach Crisp
This recipe works with any type of fruit, I do it with apples all the time in the fall and I have even had it with rhubarb.

Now, run on over to Tammy’s site for more great recipes and kitchen tips!