Garden Ramble

This past weekend was beautiful and unseasonably cold.
The high on Saturday was 70 degrees, about 20+ degrees below normal.
We broke record that day.

It was like a wonderful breath of fresh air!

We spent the whole day outside gardening and getting some much neglected chores done.
I love this time of year when the garden is bursting with produce.

This is a cabbage that I harvested about 2 weeks ago, there are little baby cabbages starting off the leftover stump. Usually I just pull up the stump and re-plant, but I am going to leave this one and see what happens.

The green beans are big and there are hundreds of flowers on the vine.

I planted pole beans all around the chicken run and shed, it shades the animals and makes the ugly shed look much prettier.

Here we have chives in bloom, and wild sunflower and red-runner pole beans, I love the unusual red flower of this particular bean.

I just finished reading a book called “In Defense of Food”. There are going to be some major changes in the way we eat around here. It makes me feel like all my efforts in the garden are worth it, I have healthier, organic foods at my finger tips for the cost of seed and my (free) labor.

What kinds of things are you harvesting from your gardens right now?

Sweet Peas

I have a lot of flowers in my yard

There is a general rule that the flowers in the yard DO NOT get picked.

I like them outside to brighten the yard, they last longer and are prettier outside, nothing is sadder to me than a daisy that looks thin because it has been picked over.


There is one exception,
and that is my
Sweet Peas!

I have grown them now for four years and have fallen in love with these flowers,
they are so pretty and different and the


I plant these special little beauties in the spring and about June they start to bloom, I cut every single bloom until they stop flowering in August. (By doing that I keep them from going to seed and they bloom longer.) I have small vases in the kitchen and the living room and the smell fills the house.

The best part is filling small jars and sending them to the neighbors, there is nothing like fresh flowers to brighten someones day.


I think June is my favorite time in the garden (ask me in July and I will probably tell you that is my favorite month in the garden! I love my garden). I love the newness of everything, the roses start blooming and the vegetable garden is just starting to show its potential.

Come take a walk with me.

The yellow roses are a particular favorite of mine
Dadzoo bought this bush for me when we bought this house.

Keepin’ it real

I have a confession

I haven’t been totally honest with y’all

See I post these beautiful pictures of my yard

and well
I only post the pretty parts of my yard.

I completely,

ignore the ugly parts
(and as you will see, there are some ugly parts)
and the ugly parts that creep into my pretty parts

I (gasp) photoshop them out!

the crop tool is my favorite.

So, in the spirit of honesty

and keepin’ it real
here you go
the ugly pictures

oh, wait, this isn’t one of the ugly parts
he was the only thing pretty about my yard that day…
(gotta love that hair)

no those bushes aren’t turning color because it is almost autumn time
they are dieing.
(see the big thistles under the bushes, it takes heavy duty leather gloves to pull those suckers out)

um, yea…I forgot to water
for about 3 weeks….

and something got my day lilies

or maybe lack of something,
we have been having water issues
(that is another post, for another time)

this is what happens when squash bugs find your squash plants

they die!

this is the lovely view from my back door
and empty rabbit hutch
(this also is another post for another time)

so, I am having a problem growing bushes in my yard

a big problem and see we have this little family of squirrels that scamper around the yard
and they love to dine on my sunflowers

by pulling them down to the ground and eating the seed!


the entrance to the shed
don’t trip

dead flowers


No wonder I have so many darn weeds
When there is a zilllion acers of weeds bumping up against the back of your yard what can a gal expect!