Saturday after a long day of planting some early veggies I decided it was time to start picking. The carrots and kale are leftovers from last year.
Category Archives: garden
Planning the Garden
So I figured this would be a good time to do one of my spring projects that I really enjoy, yet tend to put off.
Planning the Gardens and ordering seeds.
So I gathered seed catalogues and got out my box of seeds and went to work.
Planing the garden this year is a bit of a different job, we are adding 100 square feet of new garden boxes and I have to figure out how to fill them with yummy veggies to eat this summer and hopefully to store this winter.
We are doing a lot of the basics, zucchini, cabbage, tomatoes, kale and adding a few new things, rutabaga, celeriac root and cauliflower. I also ordered a few twists on old favorites such as: Apollo Broccoli (a small leafy variety) and Russian Red Kale.
From start to finish it took about 3 hours to plan and order and at the end of it all I am excited and satisfied. Now, all I have to do it wait for those boxes of seeds to arrive, and for it to get warm enough to plan them all!
What are you planting this year? Something new?
Dadzoo the Builder
Everythings comming up GARLIC!?
In it I showed y’all how to plant garlic. Once it started to get really cold I put my garlic patch to bed. I covered the box with about 6 inches of straw and then covered the whole thing with something called “floating row cover”. I then left it to sleep over the winter. Well now that the days have become longer and it is getting warmer I took a little peek at my garlic patch.
And what do ya know, little green spears are pushing up through the straw.
I will leave the row cover off the patch now, but keep the straw for a few more weeks.
The straw and cover isn’t a necessary step in the process, but since they were planted in a raised bed and the temperatures in the winter can get below zero I thought the extra protection would be worth it. I didn’t want those bulbs to freeze solid.
I love this time in February, it is like a little game for me, wandering around the yard looking to little bits of green pushing up here and there after the long winter.
"My Work Space" or "Composting Part I"
Getting on to the composting portion of my post.
Right next to my kitchen sink I have two plastic bins that I use for my composting. One is for the compost pile and the other is for the chickens.
In the chicken bin I put all of out table scraps. Chicken are omnivores and will eat anything that we humans eat. They also eat and compost, in their own special way, foods that I don’t want in my pile; including meats, pasta and processed foods.