I am a creature of habit and routines. I like to do the things I do the same way all the time every time. Not that I won’t ever try something different, that can be so fun, I just have to think it through for a while and once it is all thought out in my mind can I comfortably try it.
Because of this little OCD quirk of mine Christmas time is a little hard for me. I enjoy Christmas, but the whole month of December I feel a little off, and life around my house just doesn’t run as smoothly and it stresses me out! When January rolls around I am so happy to be done with Christmas, I have no feelings of sadness when the tree comes down and the decorations are put away.
I know…ba-humbug!
This Christmas season was especially bad, when Dadzoo fell and injured himself he threw a wrench, or two or three into my well planed out Christmas. I now had a 300 pound man to take care of! I never before realised how much he does around this house and how much he helps me until he could do nothing. (For an update on his progress and a report on the Orthopedic appointment go here)
Christmas went on pretty much as usual, I did the big dinner on Christmas Eve (Dadzoo ate on the couch) and I laid out all of Santa’s gifts (even putting together a doll cradle as best I could, until a medicated bedridden Dadzoo had to take over). As much as I tried to keep things as normal and traditional as possible, it just wasn’t possible, poor Dadzoo slept through most of the festivities and I was so busy keeping everything together I never really had time to enjoy anything.
That being said I have learned so many things. I have come to learn and feel of the kindness of others. I have a wonderful community of friends around me who dropped everything to help out, whether it be a ride to the doctors, taking care of my kids when I needed it or shoveling me out of the drive way at 6:30 am (another post for another day!). I am go grateful for the wonderful people that the Lord had surrounded me with, they have truly been my angels on earth.
I am happily anticipating this new year. Dadzoo is slowly on the mend, we will have a long year ahead of us regarding his recovery, but at least he doesn’t need surgery (at this point anyway) and his company is going to let him work from home for another week, so we won’t have to go without a paycheck, and Dadzoo will get the rest he needs.
I am looking forward to a new year, with new goals, new plans and a new way of doing things. We are going to be healthier, happier, more self sufficient, less debt and closer to God in 2009. After a rocky end to 2008 I am excited for 2009!