Something to think about

This is a quote from a book I am reading called “Tending Rose” by Lisa Wingate. The main character is thinking back on her childhood and contemplating the next move in her life.
“I wondered if they considered their lives successful. Certainly we had all the trappings-expensive cars and homes, good schools, nice clothes. But is life a success when it doesn’t include time for after-school talks, and curling up to read books on a winters night, and weaving daisy chains in the summer? Is it a success when you have all the big things but none of the small ones? Is it as it should be when everybody grows up and moves to the opposite coasts and doesn’t care if they ever see each other?”

This post is dedicated to a dear friend of mine who just took a big leap of faith and quit her job to be a full time mommy! I am so happy for you and your family!

The Quiet Art of "Being There"

The quiet art of being there.

It isn’t expensive, it isn’t loud. It takes a lot of time, with very little preparation. It doesn’t require a grocery store, mall, or gas station. You don’t have to wash it, scrub it, shine it or dry it. It comes without parts, instructions or power tools.

It is a whisper, a kiss, a pat on the head. It is blowing bubbles on a sunny afternoon. It is a band-aid on a skinned knee, a tissue on tears, and a hug when the world seems out to get you. It is a feverish baby and a rocking chair in the middle of the night. It is sidewalk chalk and a welcome home message for Daddy. It is a sticky fist full of dandelions and running through the sprinklers on a hot afternoon. It is a stocking hat, gloves and a scarf on a cold morning and hot chocolate when you get home. It is that special dress washed and ironed for that special day. It is a story book at bed time and sugar sprinkled on cheerios. It is waving at the bus as it pulls away, cutting the crusts off of PB&Js and finding the first flower of spring. It is sunsets, and sunrises and a pile of ants. It is a silly dance, a silly song and learning your ABC’s. It is a warm bed after a bad dream and soft arms pulling you close. It is a smile, a cheer, it is a safe place.

It is a Mother.

The quiet art of being there.

Swing on over to Biblical Womanhood and see what others are doing to make their home a haven.

What a MAN needs part III

He needs to feel like a King in his castle, the head of the family, the boss, the CEO, the hero, the provider.
This one is very hard for me. Very, very hard. I am definitely the dominate personality in our relationship, and I came from a family where my mother was the more dominate parent. (I am not saying that she was over bearing, or domineering). In my husbands family his mother was the more dominate also. As you can see it is easy for us to slip into those roles.
I tend to run head long into things without thinking about how my husband is going to feel about my plans. I start projects, make plans, make decisions and make goals without his in-put. That isn’t how it should be if he is the head of our home. That doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t be thinking of all that stuff, I just need to make sure I am asking him first before I commit to anything. This is something I am still working on, and something I will most likely always be working on.
I think it all comes down to respect.

Am I showing him respect?

Do I treat him with respect?

Do I talk to him respectfully?

Do I talk about him respectfully?

Do I treat his thoughts, feeling and actions with respect?

I would have to say that I do very little of all of these things. How can I expect my children to honor their father if I am not honoring him. Hmmmm, something to think about.
My husband is not a natural leader so I try to guide him a little in that area. We have family scripture study in the morning over breakfast. It was my idea, and I think I am primary in making it happen; however, he leads it. He does all the scripture reading, I want the girls to see him as our spiritual leader. (A little side note here, I will always cherish the gospel discussions that my family had with my Dad. I could listen to him for hours, and he was always willing to discuss with us any gospel topic, or question we had.) When we have family home evening (the important word is when!) he always leads the evening and gives the lesson.
So while I think that I can improve vastly in this area of respect, there are something I feel that I am doing right. Everything else is a work in progress!

What a MAN needs part II

I am going to talk about my number 2 thing man needs, “A soft place to land”

We talk about making our home a Haven all the time. How we need to make it a refuge from the world for our children, but what about our husband?

He is out all day being bombarded with the things of the world, with stressors and temptations. He is exposed to bad language, bad ideas, bad jokes, women who dress provocatively and the coworkers who talk about the women. He has to deal with coworkers that are willing to throw him under a bus to get ahead. He has to try to climb corporate ladders. He has to keep up on his skills so he can stay employed. He is a slave to others demands and time schedules. He had bosses and their bosses to keep happy. Then there is the ever present fear of losing their job. Then he has the family stressors. Do we have enough money, why don’t we have enough money? How are the kids doing in school? Why do the kids fight all the time? Why is my wife unhappy all the time? The lawn needs to be mowed and 50 thousand light bulbs need to be changed. Then there are church obligations that need to be fulfilled.

When he gets home in the evening is it a soft place to land? Are we there with welcoming arms and a kiss? Or are we nagging at him the second his foot crosses the threshold? Do we meet him in sweats with our hair undone and no make-up on? Is the house neat and orderly, dinner on the table? Or are the kids fighting and nothing is planned for dinner?

Are you someone you would like to come home to at night?

Now I know this world isn’t perfect, and you aren’t going to have everything perfect when your husband gets home, but do you try? I have been trying to improve on this for a while now, but I never seemed to get it right. With 5 children under the age of 10 it seemed impossible!

I am a Dr Laura junkie; I listen to her show about everyday while I do my afternoon stuff. Lately she has been asking ladies if they are their husband girlfriends. That kind of baffled me at first. How in the world could I be his girlfriend, we have 5 kids, a house, two cars, a life! How can I be cute and coy when I am 70 pounds over weight and have a bunch of kids hanging on me? I asked my husband one night if he thought of me as his girlfriend. He kind of chuckled and said “I see you as my wife.” I pressed him further and he came to the same conclusion I had, there was too much in the way, we were married with kids. Basically he did not think of me as his girlfriend.

He did say “if I was single right now I would date you.”

Aha! There was my answer. What would I do if I was dating him right now? What if I was a widow (heaven forbid) with my 5 kids and Mike and I were dating. How would I act if he was coming to dinner at my house after work?

1. I would be dressed nice (nothing fancy, but not sweats) with my hair done
pretty and make-up on
2. The house would be picked up. It wouldn’t be perfect, I have 5 kids, but it would look decent and the kids would help me do this
3. Dinner would be either done or close to done and the table would be the same way.
4. The TV would be off and some nice music would be playing
5. I would great him at the door with a hug, kiss and his favorite cold drink.

These 5 things aren’t hard to do. They take very little time, but some planning. I have been doing this for about 2 weeks now and the change in our home has been well worth the effort. I am his girlfriend again. Our house is calm with the TV off and the kids are thriving under a more structured evening. There have been many days that I am doing my hair at 4:30 and the kids and I are scrambling at 5:50 to pick up the house. There have been a few days that I didn’t follow all 5 steps, life happens, but as long as things are progressing and improving.

One side benefit, I have found the Mike has been a much happier person and more willing to help in the evenings. Last night he followed me around asking what he could do to help. He wanted to hang out and talk! Yes, a guy, wanted to talk! Who Knew!

What a Man Needs

I have been mulling this post over in my mind for a few weeks now. It stared when I read a cute little post from a lady who was celebrating her 5th wedding anniversary. She listed about 20 things that a wife should know. They were cute, and funny, however I thought they were a little demeaning. She made it sound like her husband was a 5 year old (I know, sometimes they seem to act like a 5 year old, but heck they aren’t!). It got me to thinking about what our husbands really need. I think it comes down to two things

1. He needs to feel like a King in his castle, the head of the family, the boss, the CEO, the hero, the provider.

2. He needs a soft place to land.

I will write more about these later.