Healthy eating

After reading some other blogs written by friends about healthy eating and the cost of it, I have been doing a lot of thinking. I will agree that eating healthy can be expensive. You can get a big loaf of white bread for 99 cents, where a loaf of whole wheat can cost almost 3 dollars, and they are smaller loafs. I have decided the trick to eating healthy on a low budget is making as much of your food as you can from scratch. I bake my own bread, and I figure it costs me about a dollar a loaf, and it is whole wheat bread (and so yummy!) Also when cooking as much as possible from scratch you avoid artificial flavors, additives and preservatives. Yes, fresh vegetables can be expensive, however a big bag of traditional carrots (not the baby kind) is very cheap and it really doesn’t take that long to peel and cut up. This is a good reason to have your own garden. You can also get a bag of frozen vegetables for about 1.20$, not too bad! A ten pound bag of apples and a bunch of bananas or grapes (when in season) are all cheaper per pound than a box of cookies, and much healthier. I have a family of 7, and a 10 pound bag of apples lasts me about a month and a half, where as we can go through a box of cookies in an evening. I think it all comes down to how much time you are willing to spend on preparing food. To me it is worth it to feed my family good, nutritious food, while saving money. There are some items I am willing to pay more for. I am a big believer in organic milk and milk products, and that is a lot more expensive than the regular kind, about double. I do like to use sprouts, which can be very expensive, so I learned how to do my own sprouting. Same with yogurt, my family loves it, I make my own. I don’t use cold cereals either (except on Saturday and Sunday) I buy 2 boxes a month of Cherrios and that it is. I make my own granola, it is only a little cheaper but I know what is going into it.Here is a really good article related to healthy eating and budgets

P.S. In no way do I want to sound like I feed my kids 100% organic made-from-scratch foods, we eat our share of fast food and sugar! I would like to do better in this area!

I have a pet peeve that is sort of related to this post. It drives me up a wall when mothers say “oh, my kids won’t eat healthy, all they want are cookies/potato chip/juice….” I say…if they aren’t in the house, they can’t eat them. A child is not going to starve themselves. If they are hungry, and there are only apples in the house for a snack, they will eat the apple. I don’t buy chips, or cookies. The first reason is that if they are in the house I will eat them all, and we all know the last thing I need is more calories! The second is that if they aren’t in the house my kids won’t eat them. If you only offer the “good” stuff your kids will learn to like the “good” stuff. Now I am not saying that I never have treats, I love treats, but they are just that; a treat. I also have a dedicated “snack time”. I allow very little grazing. When the big kids get home from school they all sit down for a snack. I have a variety of snack foods. Cut up fruit, cut up veggies with dip, toast, sugar toast, hot chocolate and toast (wow that is a lot of toast!) pudding, fruit juice pops, yogurt smoothies (thanks Heatherann), graham crackers with peanut butter, graham crackers dipped in milk, cookies (I keep some in the freezer so they can be pulled out and baked quickly). They are things that are very simple, but will satisfy hungry tummies. Other times if the kids are hungry, they can always have an apple or a graham cracker. Remember, you are the mother; you are responsible for what goes into your kids mouths, at least when they are little. Don’t let a two year old decide what they are going to eat!


Yesterday was kind of a bummy day. I was feeling really, really jealous of my husband and kids. They had the whole day off and pretty much got to do whatever they wanted. I was stuck doing the same old thing; preparing food, cleaning up food, laundry, baking bread, cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning! My wonderful PIC did run out and get me a drink at about 3:00, which was nice. At 10:00 last night, my kitchen was very clean, the second load of dishes for the day was in the dishwasher, all but one load of laundry was finished, four loaves of bread were tucked in the freezer, the kids were tucked in bed, the animals fed and watered, and my husband was waiting for me to come to him. I looked over my little house, my home, my life, my loves and I felt satisfied. Despite the bad days, the ho-hum days, this is where I want to be and this is what I want to do. This is my calling and my passion. I truly love what I am doing. It is something to be proud of, and I am satisfied.

The Plight of a Mother

I am going to complain a little…when I first decided to do a blog I wanted to only post positive things. I wanted to be happy and up-beat. Well today that isn’t happening! Everybody has the day off today. My PIC isn’t working and the kids are out of school. So right now PIC is playing computer games with my little brother (who spent the night…yay…fun!) and the kids are playing at friends houses, or doing what they want to do. Me on the other hand, does not get the day off. I have to do all the things I would normally do, and try to do them around a houseful of people. PIC, told me to kick back and just take it easy today. What he doesn’t understand it that if I do that then I am behind all week. I have to bake bread and do laundry and all the other daily chores that need to be completed. I want a day off, a true day off. I don’t know if that is ever going to happen while I have little kids at home.

Thought I would share…

I saw these “Beatitudes” for Homemakers on another Blog and thought I would share.

Blessed is the wife who greeteth each day with the thought “This is the day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.”


Blessed is the wife who taketh time each morning to bathe her soul in the word of God and prayer.



Blessed is the wife who refuseth to think upon her husband’s faults.


Blessed is the wife who puteth her husband’s wishes before her own and provideth well for his spiritual, mental and physical needs.


Blessed is the wife who is never heard to contradict her husband in public.


Blessed is the wife who waits to bring complaint to her husband till he is neither tired nor hungry.


Blessed is the wife who is contented with whatever her husband is able to provide.


Blessed is the wife who considereth her home to be a palace and not her prison.


Blessed is the wife who counts it a joy to keep her home clean and orderly for the sake of her husband.


Blessed is the wife who would joyfully welcome a bundle of joy into her heart and her home.

Blessed is the wife who lives each day in anticipation of the heavenly Bridegrooms return.



Kind of make me tired, just reading those! Maybe I will try to be a perfect wife tomorrow…ha!


What Kind of Woman part II

I think I need to comment on my “What kind of Woman” post. PIC said I sounded really overwhelmed. I didn’t mean to sound that way. I think I am doing great as a mom and wife. I do think there is always room for improvement and betterment. We need to always be looking for the small little things we can do to make ourselves better. It can be overwhelming when you look at EVERYTHING you need to do to be “better” and that just creates discouragement, and that is never good. I think we need to do things a little at a time. On days when the kids are fighting, dinner is burning, I have a headache, and PIC will be walking in the door any minute I try to find one little thing to make life calmer. I turn the TV off, or try to get the kids busy doing something, I might call PIC and ask him to bring dinner home, or bribe the kids with something if they will just be quiet! My house still isn’t perfect, but I have done something, one little thing to make like easier, I don’t let myself worry about all that isn’t perfect, I take comfort in the one good, clam thing going on, and congratulate myself on making the house a little better at that moment.

I am a big believer in looking at the good things you are doing. This last week I have been thinking a lot about where we have been and where I would like us to go. Compared to where my family was 6 months ago, we are doing wonderfully! I won’t get into any details, but 6 months ago we were falling apart in many, many ways. It took some tough love, many prayers and a lot of fasting and the Lord has directed us, and blessed us in so many different ways! Our family is so strong, and there is so much more love here now. We are doing great! Now, are there things we could do better, of course, there are many. Am I going to dismiss all the good because of the things we aren’t doing? No, that is never helpful, and I don’t think the Lord wants us to work that way. I like to take things in small steps, and ask the question “what is one thing I can do this month to help me become a better person?” sometime I do it, sometimes I don’t, and sometimes it take a lot longer than a month to actually get around to doing what I would like to be doing. As long as improvements are being made, I am headed in the right direction.