What kind of woman do I want to be? I do a lot of blog surfing. I read a lot of Conservative Christian blogs, and these women fascinate me. Some are a lot like me, pretty typical mommy type, some home school, some wear skirts, some grow their hair, some wear skirts to their ankles and long sleeves, some wear the whole dress thing and cover their heads to pray, and some wear the head coverings all the time. There is one blog written by a lady who is trying to live completely off the land, she makes her own butter, cheese and yogurt all from the cow she milks twice day, she even makes her own lard. They all have big families and view their husbands as the head of the house. Reading these have made me think a lot about what kind of woman I am, and what I want to be. A lot about their life style sounds wonderfully right. I love how dedicated they are to their homes, children and husbands. They are homemakers and they revel in their homemaking. I am deeply impressed that they are willing to push aside the fashions of today, the pretty clothes and jewelry, to wear dowdy skirts, grow their hair long and wear scarves or prayer caps all day. I admire their dedication to their beliefs. I wonder if I am that dedicated. Now, I am not going to be dressing in skirts, growing out my hair and wearing head coverings, my religion doesn’t dictate that, but what am I willing to do? Maybe I shouldn’t be so worried about my looks, my clothes, my hair and make-up, my jewelry. I could be more dedicated to my kids. I could make my home more inviting. I could be more submissive to my husband, wait a little long for him to lead, instead of charging head long as the leader. I could make our home more inviting for him, a place of refuge, and teach my daughters to do the same. I am 30 years old, the mother of 5, married for 10 years, and I am wondering what I am and wondering about what I have been doing the past 10 years. I am wondering what kind of woman I am going to be for the next 10 years.
Category Archives: thoughts on life
In October I decided that I needed to get up and cook breakfast for the family. I wanted us to all sit down at a meal together at the start of the day, to pray and read scriptures. Now anyone who knows me well will understand how hard this is for me. I love to sleep in, getting up any time before 9:00 is a struggle. My perfect schedule would be bed time at 2 am and wake up at 10. Too bad the rest of the world doesn’t work that way. Seriously between 9 pm and 2 am I do my best work. So for me to drag my sorry behind out of bed at 6:30 to cook breakfast, smile and actually be nice to people is really hard. Regardless, this is what I did; I got up, cooked breakfast, smiled and was nice to my kids and hubby at 6:30 in the morning. I have really loved it. It seems to center the family; we get to talk to our kids in the morning before they run off into the world. We have a time to pray, and study scripture. It has become something I look forward to instead of dread!
Over the Christmas break I didn’t get up, I was too tired and the thought of sleeping in was too wonderful. My Partner in Crime was fine with that, he didn’t complain. He got up, showered, skipped breakfast and left without a lunch while we were all sleeping. He remarked a few days later that he kept forgetting to take his medicine in the mornings because I wasn’t there to give it to him with breakfast and that he just felt “off”. I laughed and said “you mean your day doesn’t go right when I don’t fix you breakfast and give you a kiss as you walk out the door?” In all seriousness he said “yes”.
It sure feels great to be needed.
Small Gestures
Sunday night my Partner in Crime and I had a pretty good fight. He pointed out some things to me that were hard to hear, however, they were very correct. I realized that there are some things in my conduct that need to change. It was one of those fights that keep you up, tossing and turning. I was doing a lot of soul searching, a lot of thinking, planning, and deciding. When I got up this morning I was tired and stilling stinging from the confrontation. Today we chatted a little, and when he got home we were polite, but you could tell there was still tension in the air. During the evening we had an ok time, but then I forgot myself and snapped at him, again. Sigh…. I told him I was sorry, he didn’t say much, until we were driving home, and he reached over and held my hand. He held my hand for about 10 minutes, didn’t say anything. Sometimes the smallest of gestures say a thousand words.
The Case for no Coca Cola
So I have been addicted to Coca Cola since I was about 15 years old. The amounts of beautiful fizzy chocolate colored liquid I consume daily has varied, depending on my will power, pregnancy, craziness of my life, and the need to stay awake. I love the stuff. I mean really, really love the stuff! The sound of the can opening makes my heart go pitter patter, the sound of the bottle opening makes my whole body relax, seriously! I love the sound of ice in a big fountain drink on a long road trip. I love the stuff. It is sweet nectar to me, my drug, and my sanity! So I decided a few weeks ago that I needed to be healthier. I want to eat better, take better care of my little (well, little…ha-ha….ample) body. I want to lose weight; I need to figure out why I insist on lots of fattening foods (that is another post). Part of my “getting healthy” I decided to give up my coke. I did it. For three weeks I drank nothing but water and water. I was sleeping better (I suffer major insomnia) I wasn’t retaining as much water, and I think I was better hydrated. Well on Christmas, my PIC needed a drink for the drive home, so I bought two cokes, it was Christmas after all. I didn’t have any that night, although the day after I sipped on it all day. Boy, was I on fire! The house got picked up, cleaned up, kids were washed, dressed and fed at a decent hour…I was awesome. I didn’t sleep a wink that night. As everybody who reads my blog knows the next day was terrible, I was tired, irritable, unmotivated and depressed. I didn’t think it had anything to do with my “coke treat” the day before, until last night. I was up late yesterday at my mom’s helping her get ready for an event, on the way home I ended up sipping PIC’s coke the whole hour drive. I was wide awake at 3:30 this morning!! This morning I feel sluggish, bloated and tired. Hmmmm…..Maybe not filling my body with stimulates is a good thing, not to mention all the artificial colors, flavors, sugars and salts. Maybe this will be the beginning of an amazing journey.
My Village
You hear the saying “it takes a village to raise a child.” I happen to disagree with that statement wholeheartedly! I think it takes a Mother and Father and extended family to raise a child. I see what the “village” is doing, acting, saying, and raising, and frankly I want no part of it. I will say that it takes a “village” of friends and family to support a family. However those people that surround my family are of my choosing. I have a wonderful network of support around me. My family is great. I also have found in the past few months wonderful friends who really seem to understand how I tick. We think the same about raising children, being wives, and women. These wonderful women are like sisters to me in every way. I talk to them almost daily, and they are such a tremendous support. I think as women and especially mothers we need to ban together for the good of our families. I have learned so much from these ladies, they have given me the courage to really became the person I always wanted to be, but was afraid of becoming. I would second guess my own thoughts and feelings, worried about what the world would think of me. I don’t worry so much now. I have good women backing me, telling me that what I am, what I am doing and how I am doing them are not just ok, but wonderful. Here is a quote that was post in my comment section yesterday, and it is so good that I want to post it here.
“In our society, we give motherhood plenty of lip service. We pat moms on the head, bring them flowers on Mother’s Day, and honor them before crowds. But at the end of the day, we don’t extend them the same respect we would a professor, a dentist, an accountant, or a judge…
”I know for sure that few callings are more honorable. To play down mothering as small is to crack the very foundation on which greatness stands…
”We should no longer allow a mother to be defined as ‘just a mom.’ It is on her back that great nations are built.”
-Oprah Winfrey–
(thanks Katie for the quote, love ya!!)